Example sentences of "[verb] the beginning " in BNC.

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1 Bells were rung at either end of a conversation to signal the beginning and end of the call .
2 He held office from 1503 to 1513 and , among other things , he was responsible for building the beginning of the great Church of St Peter 's .
3 Approaching from the south via the track along the top of Curbar Edge this striking , square cut buttress , sporting a fine undercut arête , can be seen , heralding the beginning of Froggatt 's features .
4 In some cases , pupils are given the beginning or ending of a story and they have to complete the rest of the story in their own words .
5 I went home for a week at the end of July , just in time to see the beginning of this new menace , the V1 buzz bombs and I have to say they completely terrified me .
6 Deteriorating eyesight compelled him to give up painting in 1975 , but he lived to see the beginning of a major revival of his reputation .
7 The literary tradition associates the beginning of painting with Corinth and neighbouring Sicyon .
8 The chants which did catch my ear on sat were that newish Brian Deane one again , but I still have n't heard the beginning , I only know it from the ‘ scores off the bar , f**k Cantona ’ line — anyone else know it in full ?
9 Have you heard the beginning of Jade ?
10 If the top and bottom of the page are left open the eye tends to wander away and not locate the beginning of the next column properly .
11 The following source represents the beginning of the movement :
12 Trade union leader Jay Naidoo claimed the strike ‘ represents the beginning of the end of the white regime . ’
13 We begin with the 1870 Education Act which in many ways represents the beginning of the modern education system — but concentrate on legislation since 1944 .
14 The exterior form is tall , cubical and very simple and represents the beginning of a national style .
15 In short , the initial round of purchases by Scotch Whisky companies from their immediate suppliers merely represents the beginning of a ripple effect , spreading ‘ backwards ’ through the UK economy and impacting on a wide range of sectors .
16 The study of personality structure , he argued , the genesis of which lies in social interaction , offers the beginning of a conceptual resolution of the old mind — body dichotomy while at the same time relating the individual to his social setting .
17 the last week in September and it was the last week it was open , so you 're better of going near the middle or I mean the beginning or
18 ‘ The view is that the middle tier will have to merge , and we are only just seeing the beginning of this , ’ Michael Jenkin , Glanville 's managing director , told ACCOUNTANCY .
19 yes , to erm rational well to erm explain the beginning , you know , to , to get the hatred and the erm , sense of injustice out of your system .
20 The Weaving Mother must know the beginning and the end of the process , or else the middle is just a meaningless jumble .
21 If recognition proceeded on a word-by-word basis we would know the beginning and end points of each word , and recognition could indeed take place entirely within the lexicon as these earlier models seem to assume .
22 McKeown ( 1976 ) and Hollingsworth ( 1982 ) insist that mortality response was the key to understanding the beginning of the demographic transition , particularly its continued decline despite the rapid population growth and urbanization of the nineteenth century , which might have been expected to raise the death rate .
23 If we do the opposite , and write melodies which are always changing , we will find that by the end of the melody we will have forgotten the beginning .
24 It symbolizes the beginning , a taste of things to come .
25 As the bell rang a third time to indicate the beginning of lessons , the girls moved into four groups around four tables , and the teachers came into the room to start the Bible class .
26 Fears were growing last night that the enforced departure of almost all foreign journalists from East Germany by midnight would signal the beginning of a sharp crackdown on all dissent .
27 Loretta decided she had gone far enough , and used the beginning of a farm track to turn the car in .
28 Some people found the sing-song voice a barrier , and found the beginning and the middle easier to listen to than the end .
29 The splash was dusty but still visible and , without much trouble , I found the beginning of the trail about twenty feet straight ahead in the wood and followed it as easily through the tangled trees and undergrowth as on the day before .
30 However , the sales have been interpreted differently by many dealers , some of whom believe they presage the beginning of the end of the collection .
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