Example sentences of "[verb] the word " in BNC.

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1 At the top of the screen blinks the word ’ menu ’ and beneath this list winks out in blinding-white neon letters on the black display- keyboards , horns , endless types of drums .
2 We have an awkward , and increasingly tense discussion about the use of such songs — for though I wholeheartedly agree that all the ideas they promote are self-evidently good things , I worry simply whether such songs have any positive effect — and they start bandying the word ‘ cynic ’ .
3 I would respectfully agree with his description , in relation to dishonest actions , of appropriation as involving an act by way of adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights , but I believe that the less aggressive definition of appropriation which I have put forward fits the word as used in an honest sense in section 2(1) as well as elsewhere in the Act .
4 Thinking back yesterday when she 'd arrived , trying to remember exactly what had been said , Robbie had realised the word ‘ flat ’ had never been mentioned .
5 Prima facie the rules of construction must be applied as at the date of execution of the lease : thus a word will be interpreted in the sense it bore at the time ( Texaco Antilles Ltd v Kernochan [ 1973 ] AC 609 : the phrase " public garage " was given the meaning it bore in 1933 and not the one it bore at the date of the litigation ; St Marylebone Property Co Ltd v Tesco Stores Ltd [ 1988 ] 27 EG 72 construing the word " grocer " ) .
6 The most fundamental aspects of the liturgical renewal for which the Council called are all related to the biblical element in liturgy and to making it more accessible to all in the vernacular : the enormous enrichment of the lectionary , the emphasis on preaching the Word that has been read , the revelation of how biblically based the Eucharistic prayers and other sacramental actions are , and the restoration of the ‘ divine office ’ as the ‘ prayer of the Church ’ .
7 When they heard that multitudes in Samaria had received the word of God , they gladly sent them Peter and John ; and when they heard that in Antioch a great number had believed and turned to the Lord , they at once despatched Barnabas who , when he came and saw , rejoiced ’ ( McGavran 1959:25 ) .
8 ‘ The apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God .
9 And it says , now when the apostles , who were in Jerusalem heard that Somaria had received the word of God they sent them Peter and John , who came down and prayed for them , that they might receive the Holy Spirit .
10 In verse fourteen it says , when the apostles in Jerusalem that Somaria had received the word of God and we can not become Christians without God 's word .
11 She hopes in future it will be possible to restore the word nigger without stirring up racial tensions .
12 WHEN the Royal Bank of Scotland was set up by Royal Charter in 1727 there was a very good reason for building the word ‘ Royal ’ into its name .
13 I would emphasize the word partial .
14 Working time , including overtime , should be decided by local voluntary agreement and I do emphasize the word voluntary .
15 I suppose you could claim the ‘ guests ’ in Noel 's Addicts ( BBC1 ) , the Beeb 's latest jeu d'ecran for young Edmonds , as real , though a very saucy vicar 's wife who collects Victorian knickers and an American fire chief who finds houseroom for up to 1,000 snakes push the word near its limits .
16 And some sneaky feller who was in the promotion stakes as well , he found this out and passed the word on and they laid a trap for three fellers , one night after twelve .
17 ‘ The cripple passed the word . ’
18 And as it looked like Sasser had told Hurley something about me , Control passed the word that I had handled some contract work for the Defense Department in the past , just minor stuff , but that it was all finished now .
19 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
20 But Grandmother Gertler had her own version and applied the word to less earth-shattering blessings .
21 It was Giorgio Vasari who applied the word ‘ Gothic ’ to Medieval architecture .
22 Repeat the word sit' to reinforce the dog 's posture .
23 I 'm not sure whether 40 years later , the same mechanism made the word ‘ capitalism ’ popular among the people ; the Leipzig demonstrations suggest that in Saxony , at least , it may have done .
24 ‘ How can you stand there talking about bits of paper and profits and money … money , ’ she made the word into an excrescence , ‘ when what you are doing is playing with a human soul .
25 Luke made the word sound like an oath , and Folly had the curious feeling that they were having two conversations at once — and only one of them was about ancient history .
26 ‘ I have been described as lacking in chivalry , ’ he said , and his flat Midlands accent made the word sound medical .
27 The belief was that to ritually and voluntarily — and I stress the word ‘ voluntarily ’ — shed one 's own blood was to recommend oneself to and establish a link with the Creator of the Universe , and this is precisely what happened with circumcision .
28 The government 's representative at the inquiry , Energy Department official Christopher Wilcock , described it openly as ‘ a broad , political — and I stress the word political — strategic judgement ’ .
29 I stress the word ‘ fragments ’ .
30 Bob Abel and his pals , when they show this system , make the mistake of using the word empower when describing the value of this approach to learning .
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