Example sentences of "[verb] at meetings " in BNC.

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1 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
2 Thereafter , the matter is to be considered at meetings as follows : —
3 A minority of three recommended that all equity shareholders should have a right to attend and speak at meetings and that there should be a prohibition on the listing of non-voting or restricted-voting equity shares .
4 You know , they have to go and speak at meetings , and shake hands with everybody
5 If you read her diaries you discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning .
6 Looking for two points not many can do at meetings as long as you pass it up there 's two points , two important points that we have n't talked about so far and there in the reasons why we do it they 're in there somewhere .
7 For the most part this has largely been along formal or semi-formal lines , and even within these individual organisations a formalised structure almost invariably predominates at meetings .
8 So , speaking generally , statements made at meetings of local authorities are thus privileged .
9 The deputation decided to seek a meeting with the Board after it reversed a decision made at meetings in January and February which had given Bangor two towns .
10 Undertakings to be won from the lairds binding themselves to undertake nothing punitive against tenants seen at meetings . ’
11 Do not fail ’ — he was having to shout now above the stir ( was everything clear ? or had he only thrown water on a fire ? ) — ‘ do not fail to put in a clause calling on the proprietors to undertake nothing punitive against tenants seen at meetings .
12 The term was originally used by Hader and Lindeman to refer to work done in industrial consultation committees where some members of the committee were trained to observe in detail what happened at meetings and were then questioned afterwards by research workers — rather like an intelligence officer might question the crew of an aircraft after a raid .
13 The actual content of the book itself consists of a series of spells and invocations designed to be used at meetings of the club , just as similar books were used at meetings of The Hell Fire Club all over Britain and Ireland .
14 The actual content of the book itself consists of a series of spells and invocations designed to be used at meetings of the club , just as similar books were used at meetings of The Hell Fire Club all over Britain and Ireland .
15 It is an experience they have been prepared to share with other communities , and Jim Killeen has spoken against mining at meetings in Westport , Co .
16 Also until such time as a creditor has lodged a proof of debt , he can not vote at meetings of creditors .
17 He assumed , as he had been led to believe at meetings with General Helmuth von Moltke immediately prior to the war , that Germany would at the outset deploy some eight corps in East Prussia .
18 He developed athletics at the college , and continued to run at meetings in China .
19 He was seldom to be found at meetings of the BPI , the industry 's body , or glad-handing at functions among bow-tie- and cumberbund-wearers .
20 The British Greens , for example , allow time for ‘ attunement ’ before their meetings start , reminiscent in its way of the reflective silence that can prevail at meetings of the Society of Friends .
21 Membership : 50 states ; Nauru and Tuvalu are special members ; they have the right to participate in functional activities but are not represented at Meetings of Heads of Government .
22 It is a mistake to think that only people with hearing loss have difficulty in hearing at meetings .
23 Next thing , ministers will arrive at meetings with their lawyers .
24 The terms of reference for the inspection should be decided and defined at meetings to be held before the inspection takes place .
25 The Grid Convertible , when set-up as a notepad , makes for easier and more natural input for note taking at meetings or when standing .
26 Voting at meetings of licensing boards .
27 ( 7 ) For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member of a recognised body shall not appoint as a proxy or corporate representative any person other than a solicitor who is a member or officer of or who is working in the practice of , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a member or director of , ( a ) the recognised body or ( b ) a recognised body which is itself a member of the recognised body .
28 ( 7 ) For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member of a recognised body shall not appoint as proxy or corporate representative any person other than a solicitor who is a member or officer of or who is working in the practice of , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a member or director of , ( a ) the recognised body or ( b ) a recognised body which is itself a member of the recognised body .
29 For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member shall not appoint any person as a proxy or corporate representative contrary to the Rules .
30 For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member shall not appoint any person as a proxy or corporate representative contrary to the Rules .
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