Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] whether " in BNC.

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1 So we asked ourselves whether this catalogue would still find a corresponding resonance , given the flood of technical literature which is currently circulating in the ceramics market .
2 He asked himself whether he was someone like Arthur Benson , the Master of Magdalene , for whom books were a form of escapism from the real world .
3 Ramsey asked himself whether if the electors had been the university officers without the bishop they would have regarded a man of one book as electable .
4 Afterwards he asked himself whether he did all that he should have done about the miners and the working men .
5 He asked himself whether Fisher would recommend him to the Crown as his successor .
6 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
7 Applying the principles laid down by this House in American Cyanamid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd. [ 1975 ] A.C. 396 , he first asked himself whether there was a serious question to be tried ; he held that there was , the question being whether or not the facts were such that section 47 was incompatible with article 30 .
8 As Juliet scurried shocked to the cocktail cabinet , Charles asked himself whether he was in fact an alcoholic .
9 He asked himself whether an employee of a company carrying on the business of giving financial advice and of financial management to the public under the regulatory umbrella provided by FIMBRA owes a duty of confidentiality that extends to barring disclosure information to FIMBRA .
10 Well is er Mr the issue which the inspectors ought to be er addressing themselves whether or not this land serves a greenbelt purpose , or not ?
11 Tell yourself whether the subsequent QDMs as you approach your track will be increasing or decreasing .
12 You know yourself whether you tend to go quickly or whatever .
13 Embracing her friend , Tilly asked herself whether , given the same circumstances , she herself would have acted any differently ?
14 She asked herself whether it was possible that , after all , one or other of the Josephs had killed Sabine Jourdain and whether it happened because she knew of the drugs and not because of the Durances .
15 Asking himself whether there was any point in going to bed … ?
16 But , in general , it would be for the third party surety to satisfy itself whether or not it should enter into the bond and to satisfy itself about the accuracy of representations made by the debtor .
17 All schools market themselves whether they are conscious of it or not .
18 Try and be aware of this as a problem , asking yourself whether the candidate is genuinely not suitable but simply someone who does not fit in with your own picture of yourself .
19 Some things from Neil Young , possibly : the idea of asking yourself whether the song is good enough on acoustic guitar and voice to cut it before you start blowing it out at 125 decibels .
20 In the last resort , when you are faced by a strategy , it is worth asking yourself whether you can imagine an ad based on it .
21 ‘ I was just asking myself whether it was worthwhile going to bed or not .
22 So much so that for months afterwards I kept asking myself whether I 'd been wrong .
23 I 'd been meaning to do it for days and I keep asking myself whether it was my fault her killer got in . ’
24 Property men are asking themselves whether this boom can last .
25 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
26 And of course there were still a few who would never have dreamt of asking themselves whether they could afford anything , with the attitude to money of an Algernon Moncrieff .
27 Holidaymakers were dawdling over hotel breakfasts and asking themselves whether today would bring a repeat of yesterday 's sunshine .
28 The first contacts were being made in nuclear research — even if the British were asking themselves whether nuclear co-operation would prove a step towards a postwar international police force led by Britain and the United States , or whether it would simply result in American domination of the whole project .
29 We less frequently ask ourselves whether what and how we teach and the way in which we organise and manage our schools could themselves be a major cause of children 's difficulties .
30 In 1980 we ought perhaps to have asked ourselves whether this river might have been the Shatt al-Arab itself , while one of the characters was Iranian and the other Iraqi .
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