Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] v. " in BNC.

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1 Both Lord Coleridge C.J. and Smith J. relied on Morgan v. Palmer ; Smith J. also invoked Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 , without however referring to the judgment of Martin B. Neither referred to the power of immediate distress .
2 The appeal court took the view that a speaker must take the audience as he or she finds it — this contradicted Beatty v. Gillbanks and revived all the fears about ‘ mob rule ’ which had been to the forefront of the judges ' minds in that case .
3 He then distinguished Bainbrigge v. Browne , 18 Ch.D. 188 on the ground of ‘ the case not being one where there was a necessary presumption that … influence existed . ’
4 On these and other grounds the judge distinguished Bromley v. GLC .
5 [ His Lordship then distinguished Foakes v. Beer as applying between debtor and creditor . ]
6 The reference to ‘ true consent ’ ( Reg. v. Lawrence , at p. 377c ) calls for a further observation which will also be apt when I consider Dobson v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Plc .
7 As Mr. Glick showed Campbell v. Hall , 1 Cowp. 204 which appears to be favourable to Woolwich was really concerned with constitutional issues rather than with the present question .
8 It was argued on his behalf that the payment was not voluntary , citing Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 ( a case of compulsion ) .
9 Distinguishing Rex v. Clarke , 22 Cr.App.R. 58 and Reg. v. Hall , 43 Cr.App.R. 29 , Shelley J.A. , delivering the judgment of the court , observed that the defence is entitled to see such a statement , not by virtue of any general rule of law , but by virtue of the prosecution 's duty to inform the defence of statements in their possession made by a witness whose evidence at the trial differs substantially from what has been said in the statements .
10 Lord Lane C.J. , delivering the judgment of the court , after considering Reg v. Lawrence and Reg. v. Morris , said , at p. 1338 :
11 Somafer S.A. v. Saar-Ferngas A.G. ( Case 33/78 ) [ 1978 ] E.C.R. 2183 , E.C.J.
12 This team was largely drawn from the former municipal tramways and included G. V. Stanley and L. Marriott from Croydon Corporation .
13 In April 1866 an emotionally unstable radical student named D. V. Karakozov made an attempt on the Tsar ‘ s life .
14 turned to consider Yerkey v. Jones , 63 C.L.R. 649 and the submission made by Mr. Hamer , counsel for the wife .
15 In my view , under this rule the court retains sufficient flexibility to enable it , when justice so requires , to admit further evidence on the application of a person found guilty of contempt of court even when the well known Ladd v. Marshall [ 1954 ] 1 W.L.R. 1489 criteria are not satisfied .
16 However , it is not easy to reconcile Chapman v. Honig with Acrow ( Automation ) Ltd .
17 [ His Lordship discussed Ward v. Byham ( above , p. 224 ) and Williams v. Williams ( above , p.218 ) , and pointed out that the other judges in those cases found that there was ample consideration . ]
18 What did Corbett v.
19 Or , if the court follows Smith v. Jones , then A will be liable , but if it follows Robinson v. Edwards , which is to be preferred for reasons previously given , then A will not be liable .
20 LORD ELLENBOROUGH : I think Harris v. Watson was rightly decided ; but I doubt whether the ground of public policy , upon which Lord Kenyon is stated to have proceeded , be the true principle on which the decision is to be supported .
21 Or , if the court follows Smith v. Jones , then A will be liable , but if it follows Robinson v. Edwards , which is to be preferred for reasons previously given , then A will not be liable .
22 But neither had Howes v. Bishop [ 1909 ] 2 K.B .
23 Before leaving Butterworth v. Kingsway Motors it should be noted that if the same facts ( i.e. involving a motor vehicle ) were to occur again today , the result would be different because of the Hire Purchase Act 1964 , Part III ( see paragraph 5–40 above ) .
24 Lord Atkinson in the House of Lords , at p. 235 , also discusses Baynton v. Morgan , 22 Q.B.D. 74 , but not in a way which assists in the present case .
25 Does B. v. Islington Health Authority [ 1991 ] 1 Q.B .
26 Cheshire , Fifoot and Furmston ( 12th ed. ) pp. 107–108 ( Discussing Shadwell v. Shadwell , above , p. 225 , and Scotson v. Pegg )
27 In practice processions appear to have a favoured place providing there is no actual obstruction , that they are peaceful and that police directions are observed ( see Hirst v. Chief Constable of West Yorks ( C.A. , 1986 ) ) .
28 See Stewart v. Dunphy , 1980 S.L.T. ( Notes ) 93 in which it was decided such persons were guilty of an offence .
29 But , as I have indicated , much of the reasoning in the judgments following Hobbs v. Clark [ 1988 ] R.T.R. 36 and , in particular the summary of the law given by Bingham L.J .
30 See Mountford v. Scott , above , P.79 , Centrovincial Estates plc v. Merchant Investors , above , p. 115 , Thomas v. Thomas above , p. 198 .
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