Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] action " in BNC.

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1 This involves combined action by hospital providers , who have fulfilled their contracts with a quarter of the year remaining , and general practitioners , who as a consequence are unable to obtain hospital treatment for their patients , to put pressure on health authorities to increase the resources available to acute services .
2 The framework in which political scientists usually consider these aspects of politics , employing the notions of ‘ political culture ’ and ‘ political socialization ’ , is too narrow to encompass all the relevant phenomena , and it is more fruitful , I think , to start from the conception of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ ( Bourdieu and Passeron , 1977 ) , which has the great merit of emphasizing that the ideas and values shaping political action are not necessarily expressed in an overtly political form , and of relating such ideas and values to the whole social structure .
3 In an earlier ultimatum , issued on Aug. 6 , 1990 , the ANC had threatened to halt the constitutional talks unless the government had freed all political prisoners by April 30 , as provided for in the " Pretoria Minute " accord by which the ANC had agreed to suspend armed action [ see p. 37642 ] .
4 African video encourages social action
5 Others allege that the elite theorists justified direct action by the masses outside parliamentary or legal channels , and encouraged an irrational doctrine of total subordination to the leader , two prominent components of fascist ideology ( Mannheim , 1936 , p. 119 ) .
6 The system produces daily action sheets and reminders such as limitation reminders .
7 The time has come to put the national interest above the special interest and totally eliminate political action committees .
8 Their intransigence , plus the unwillingness of other unions ( notably on the railways and in the steel industry ) to provide supportive action , was sufficient to ensure the strike 's defeat .
9 Roy Magee learned of the efforts and frustrations of Ian Paisley and myself to secure political action .
10 Its primary aim is to measure performance against standards with a view to enabling corrective action to be taken to keep plans on course .
11 His control in these cases is such that he alone decides whether or not to sample , whether or not to demand remedial action .
12 In the introduction , emphasis was placed on the study of the city as a way of understanding social action for change .
13 we must ask whose opinions in the classroom setting are crucial in the judgment of what is deemed proper action .
14 A resolution was passed condemning direct action as a means of bringing about the Social Democratic Commonwealth , while the importance of support for the cooperative movement was recognised in spite of doubts on the advisability of its political involvement .
15 The move brought his mouth much too close to hers , and he took advantage of that fact before she had time to even consider evasive action .
16 For example , the West Glamorgan consumer protection department deals with the problems of the local small shopkeepers and the Office of Fair Trading collates information from it and from all the other consumer departments so that it can identify whether there is a general abuse that needs remedial action .
17 The house needs remedial action to make it safe , but who has to bear the cost of this work ?
18 After this assault Mosley reputedly was forced to discipline his own followers in order to maintain order in the BUF , and to discourage further acts of violence which invited retaliatory action by the authorities .
19 Having grabbed the initiative , Washington brusquely rebuffed the USSR when , anxious to gain credit in the Middle East and to distract attention from its own armed intervention in Hungary , it proposed joint action with the USA against the Anglo-French operation .
20 All could agree on the need to secure appropriate action from parliament and government , but how far this required agitation of mass support at different times and how much deference should be paid to the judgement and tactics of parliamentary abolitionists were points of tension both early and late within antislavery .
21 She promised violent action if the social workers put one foot on the stairs , and went to get the children up and dressed herself , accompanied and watched by a policewoman ; then her eight-year-old daughter and nine-year-old son were taken away without further comment , but the policewoman encouraged the children to take some clothes and other possessions with them .
22 Island states want urgent action
23 Alan Milburn , Labour 's prospective Parliamentary candidate for Darlington , wants urgent action .
24 On Sept. 25 Mulroney promised urgent action on land claims and aboriginal rights but declined to reveal what steps he proposed to take .
25 Extrapolation theory as a background to understanding human action
26 Greenpeace say urgent action is needed if one of the region 's rivers is to be saved from a disasterous level of pollution.The environmental pressure group says the law needs to be changed to stop the discharge of chemicals into rivers .
27 Strathclyde University consultants say urgent action is needed to prevent seepage to housing estates lying to the west and north west of the site at East Craigend , Erskine .
28 ‘ The Republic can only pursue legal action through its duly appointed executive , namely the interim government which instructs me .
29 Trading standards say legal action could follow if the company was n't bonded , to safeguard customers .
30 One might reasonably ask why the Library Association , the body responsible for all professional matters concerned with the operation of libraries , including attempts to impose acts of censorship in libraries , did not itself initiate legal action against the News International ban .
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