Example sentences of "[verb] [art] latter " in BNC.

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1 I had by this time met the latter .
2 ‘ We ought none of us to lose sight of the fact that human beings count far more than institutions or procedures or precedents , and we ought always to be willing , given justification , to sacrifice the latter to the former . ’
3 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
4 It remains determined to achieve regional parity with Israel in order to compel the latter to make peace on terms favourable to itself , including a return of the Golan and possibly the 1949 demilitarized zone along the eastern edge of the Sea of Galilee to allow access to its waters .
5 The two projects were seen to have differing conditions of implementation and are therefore unlikely to be synchronised in a ‘ revolutionary moment ’ , but nonetheless they can be seen as mutually supportive : struggles for democratic forms within enterprises may help to build support for broader democratic planning , while a sympathetic government pursuing the latter project could also greatly expand the opportunities for enterprise democracy by means of legal changes and financing .
6 Tuppe had travelled the latter part of the journey on the tall boy 's shoulders .
7 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
8 Articles 45 and 48 give priority to government projets de loi ( bills ) and allow the government to intervene in the navette ( when legislation shuffles back and forth ) between the Assemblée and the Senate , overruling the latter .
9 The moment they arrived in Parson 's Green Penry rushed Leonora to the Range Rover , gave her a moment to fish out a gift-wrapped package from the bag containing her change of clothes , then stowed the latter in the car .
10 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
11 Since 1945 just over 600 awards have been made , with 41 first bars and five second bars — a reflection of the numerous small conflicts which have plagued the latter part of the 20th Century .
12 The money thereby obtained would be paid by the G.L.C. to the L.T.E. as a grant , in order to enable the latter to balance its accounts .
13 In the present case there were clearly grounds for doubts about whether the accounting period ended on 25 October 1977 or 31 January 1978 , W believing the former and the company contending the latter .
14 Buried treasure : in a happy mix of old and new , the Eagle Warehouse 's 19th-century facade — complete with sandstone eagle — is cocooned inside the modern glass of the Eagle Building The latter provide splendid views along one of Glasgow 's principal office streets and over the rooftops of BP 's offices across the street .
15 The former 's idealistically active audience confronts the latter 's picture of passive consumers , which is no more than an abstraction .
16 The social reality of language use always involves the latter , interactive process even though the participants may act ‘ as if ’ it does not .
17 With the syringe there were two ways to go , intravenous and cardiac , ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ tending to champion the latter as more efficient and humane .
18 Statistics hide the latter since married women are usually not registered as unemployed ; if they were on the register , unemployment statistics would change dramatically !
19 But this apparent escape is only another version of the dual aspect theory and inherits the latter 's problems .
20 Outwardly Carter was more polite towards Congress than Nixon had been , but he shared the latter 's contempt for the legislature and was no less shocked by its disorderly , undisciplined ways and its vulnerability to special interests .
21 Industrial policy seeks to offset market failures in production which do not arise directly from scale economies in the domestic market and the imperfect competition to which these give rise ; offsetting the latter is the object of competition policy .
22 It was the United States ' adamant policy with respect to the PLO that made the latter 's relations with Moscow so robust .
23 In practice the demands of the administration made the latter appointment impractical .
24 Of course , I made the latter up though I am still very proud of them ; a mailed fist , middle finger extended , and underneath the Latin motto ‘ In dubito curre ’ which , roughly translated , means ‘ In doubt , run ’ .
25 14 , it is more reasonable to ascribe the latter pavement to an assistant of a more competent mosaicist 's workshop .
26 If using the latter method cover pots with a sheet of glass — turned daily to disperse condensation — topped with paper .
27 Clarity in objectives can be achieved by using the latter terms .
28 He was , it seems , especially keen on using the latter when addressing old age pensioners .
29 When using the latter apply the paste with a foam roller .
30 It includes integrated Ethernet adaptor and a SCSI interface , so using the latter , it is possible to add a disk .
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