Example sentences of "[verb] [art] blind " in BNC.

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1 ‘ O Jesus , who made the blind see and the lame to walk , look down on this woman ! ’
2 Emily lowered the blind again .
3 Helping the blind
4 Can you make the blind see ? ’
5 I bundle the blind dummy out .
6 Editor , — In their photographic report of a patient with a bubble of gas trapped within his cupped optic disc Lumina P Lanigan and colleagues ask , ‘ If the optic disc represents the blind spot in the visual field , why was this patient aware of such bubble sight ? ’
7 In Kilronan churchyard lies the blind harper who , it is said , wrote the music for the tune that became ‘ The Star-Spangled Banner ’ — Turlough O'Carolan , led across Ireland on a white horse by his servant , and sleeping with his harp in the bed so as not to let the instrument 's wood warp in damp rooms .
8 They were infamous for tormenting and starving the blind king Phineus , until the warrior hero defied them and let the king rest at last .
9 ‘ It 's those people of the inn — it 's that boy ! ’ shouted the blind man Pew .
10 You do n't know a blind thing !
11 THE avenue to UEFA Cup qualification is fast becoming a blind alley for Hibs .
12 Address the document to Fred in the usual way but also send a blind copy to a folder called 193O728 — named after the date on which you wish to be reminded , in reverse .
13 I seen a blind man once — he 'd got a stick so he could tap the pavement so he did n't fall down no holes .
14 Well erm erm had a word with erm who was about oh fourth in line in the erm education hierarchy in those days and erm then spoke to who was the Chief Education Officer and er , I think they were a bit erm , bit apprehensive about employing a blind typist because erm it was something that they had never had any experience of but in the end they thought it was worth a try and er especially after supporting me at the College and erm also perhaps they had in mind that many of the erm employees would be leaving if war broke out and erm , in fact by that time war had probably started
15 It was put into production with so many faults that , to this day , the Fl is virtually unflyable at night , and has a blind spot which ensures that few Fl pilots will come out of any dogfight alive .
16 In America the neo-Lamarckian zoologist Alpheus Packard ( 1839–1905 ) studied the blind animals that inhabit many caves .
17 It seemed the blind girl found living with Boz and his bride very restricting , but due to the bad weather she was not allowed to leave the camp for much of the winter .
18 He 'd already turned a blind eye when a couple of his lorries got hi-jacked .
19 Armed guards told thousands of people with jobs in the western sector they should not report for work ‘ for the time being ’ , while a few were said to have turned a blind eye as scores of their fellow citizens ran for freedom .
20 Japanese authorities have turned a blind eye to the rapid expansion of their drift-net fleet .
21 ‘ Council 's turned a blind eye to it previously but I 'm in charge now and I 'm booking you under the Fireworks and Public Entertainments byelaw . ’
22 English-speaking countries , however , have been relatively unaware of this activity because of language barriers , or if aware of any aspect of it have turned a blind eye due to a lack of understanding of the background of the method or a disinterest in the findings of Quantum Physics .
23 I get the feeling he 's turned a blind eye too often .
24 The Waco sheriff habitually turned a blind eye to Koresh 's activities .
25 The points were made that parking there can not be dangerous as it is permitted during part of the year , and that the authorities seem to have turned a blind eye to cars parked outside the church during services .
26 For years , the authorities have turned a blind eye to the slaughter , maintaining that it was a quaint custom which would eventually die out .
27 The plaintiff must show that the defendant has turned a blind eye to truth in order to advance an ulterior object .
28 Some other forces throughout the region , if they even thought about it , appear to have turned a blind eye .
29 The same people who had turned a blind eye as they passed Clary in their snooty fashion , would regard this esteemed gentleman with admiration , perceiving Clarence , as a high-class citizen of Chichester .
30 The national populous actually turned a blind eye to atrocities that were happening with human beings .
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