Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] newly " in BNC.

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1 A number of firms may also have had problems in achieving the synergies expected of newly formed structures .
2 In this study , the hepatic bile was possibly mixed with newly secreted bile , as time was required to collect the necessary volume .
3 Casteleyn adopts a slightly different approach , and discusses induction courses for professional and non-professional staff , on the job training for non-professional staff , further training for non-professional staff , pre-library school trainees , training for newly qualified staff , and continuing professional training .
4 It is a good place to listen for newly arriving summer migrants .
5 A vanishing ! ’ they exclaimed , hearing the nacarena 's voice pour through the pulled blinds from the house marked with black crosses and hung with newly dyed banners of death ; women 's voices , giving birth to the eternal soul , were louder than the priest 's obsequies , the relatives ' rosaries , and the lullabies they sang after the first birth , the entry into the mortal transit .
6 The former will be exhibited in newly renovated rooms in the Richelieu wing on the north side the former Ministry of Finance looking onto the rue de Rivoli while two new galleries will be set aside in the Pavillon just south of the Pyramid , for the display of Northern European and Italian sculpture .
7 The only change since 1974 is that the metropolitan counties and the GLC were abolished in 1986 , so that their functions have largely been distributed between their component districts and boroughs or transferred to newly created joint boards . )
8 Likewise , in 1974 local authority health powers in England and Wales were transferred to newly created , non-elected health authorities ( see Chapter 13 ) .
9 The latter is primary ; the emergence , or at least acceleration , of the former a consequence of measures adopted by newly confident conservative states to cope with the re-entry of the world system into a succession of capitalist crises after the exhaustion of the Long Boom .
10 Industrial remains have been bulldozed and buried under newly laid turf .
11 THE three-coach fair will be hauled by newly painted locomotive No. 85 and it will be steam-heated .
12 In one British clinic , chronic attenders with IBS were compared with newly referred patients .
13 As the right hon. Gentleman is talking about matters in which there may be joint agreement , and as he has visited Langbaurgh and Hemsworth in recent days , will he comment on the fact that both the Labour party candidates for those constituencies have invested in newly privatised industries ?
14 Otherwise the graph will have an increasing gradient caused by spreading plus newly detected material .
15 Most of the original marshland flora and fauna disappeared , to be replaced by newly planted trees and hedges .
16 For all these reasons recruitment continued to be affected by newly founded organisations or breakaways in one port or another .
17 One authority in the Brazilian Mineral Institute claimed that ‘ Congress felt that foreign mining companies that had already made huge investments here should be differentiated from newly arrived companies ’ .
18 ‘ Oh , ’ said Maisie , her eyes wide and shining with newly acquired faith , ‘ apparently he hurls thunderbolts around and sort of dries up wells and does tremendous damage to buildings . ’
19 Payment would be made only if the unemployment was involuntary ; disputed claims would be referred to newly appointed local committees consisting of representatives of capital and labour ; workers would be entitled to refuse work under conditions inferior to the norm for their occupation .
20 As we moved along I could n't help feeling apprehensive as I looked for newly disturbed ground that could contain a box mine , or glancing at the trees and hedges for signs of booby-traps .
21 Frost was so thick that it looked like newly fallen snow .
22 Over the forest , the smoke looked like newly plucked wool , with darker tufts here and there , and glints of orange , bright as sunrise on spear-blades .
23 Russia can not afford to be flanked by newly nuclear states on its southern borders ; or to allow the ethnic strife in and between ex-Soviet republics to turn nuclear ; or to see extremists among its own fissiparous peoples demand independence on pain of nuclear terrorism .
24 The House of Representatives on July 25 failed to overturn the presidential veto of the Family and Medical Leave Bill , legislation which would have required businesses with 50 or more employees to allow workers to take 12 weeks of annual unpaid leave in order to care for newly born infants or seriously ill family members .
25 Germany 's science council , the Wissenschftsrat , was called in to evaluate the work of the institutions and recommended that 6,700 staff be retained in newly created institutes ( in fact 7,200 are not employed ) .
26 Furthermore , there is concern about foodstuffs imported from newly endemic areas .
27 Costs have also been the focus of attention and all manufacturing activities have been consolidated in newly refurbished premises in Birmingham .
28 Foreign policy becomes less to do with ensuring the survival of the state , and more to do with managing an environment composed of newly politicized areas and a variety of actors .
29 New ventures that embody a high degree of risk , for example in high technology areas , are often undertaken by newly formed companies financed by the allocation of stock to group members .
30 This great expansion is to be explained by newly available resources — available in Lorraine because of the Thomas process , in Scandinavia because of railway-building — a fall in costs thanks to a better transport network , the development of integrated plants and improvements in fuel technology .
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