Example sentences of "[verb] [be] expect " in BNC.

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1 Transport was a major consideration in the choice , as about 60 per cent of wastes to be treated are expected to come from British Nuclear Fuel 's nearby Sellafield plant .
2 The stock market has been expecting an announcement all week .
3 France has been expecting heavy snow all week to 1200m … and still waits .
4 The golfing world has been expecting great things from Norman for years .
5 Officially , the Government has been expecting up to one million appeals .
6 Officially , the Government has been expecting up to one million appeals .
7 We believe that German unification will prove more troublesome than anyone has been expecting , keeping interest and exchange rates higher than expected .
8 ‘ Woolacombe has been expecting him this age , and not a word from the man to anyone ! ’
9 The crew has been expecting a return to the Gulf .
10 Dunrossness is the part of Shetland which has been expected to bear the most immediate social and economic changes relating to North Sea oil developments .
11 Suppose that the actual inflation rate is 10 per cent and that this has been expected by all economic agents , with the result that it has been fully accounted for in wage bargaining , in the activities of borrowing and lending and in the tax system .
12 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
13 Professor Nicholas Day is the author of an unpublished Public Health Laboratory Service report on the spread of AIDS which has been expected to revise official predictions of heterosexual victims downwards .
14 This comes even when death has been expected for some time , but is even more dramatic when the death is sudden .
15 Perhaps too much has been expected of it : education policy is too weak an instrument for counteracting the great weight of inequality in British society .
16 This is not likely to be an especially serious problem for the assisted party , since if no contribution has been expected , he or she is not likely to be able to pay much in the way of costs to the opponent .
17 Even though the offences under consideration have a statutory source , they have been the subject of a good deal of judicial development , reflecting the gradual and incremental changes in the social and legal functions that the police force has been expected to undertake since its inception .
18 ‘ A meeting at a particular place , which has been expected beforehand , amounts in fact to a rendezvous . ’
19 New Zealander Chisholm has is expected to be off work for two weeks .
20 As well as his ordinary business , the person addressed is expected to say Matins of the office of the Virgin and intersperse the day with prayers .
21 We 'd been expecting this news for so long that we were scarcely able to take it in , in fact we were fairly incredulous .
22 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
23 On landing there was none of the Spanish bureaucracy we 'd been expecting — you just need your passport number for the fuel bill .
24 I 'd been expecting a great hall with a giant round table , towering turrets , a moat and a drawbridge , but , of course , it turned out to be a ruin .
25 It was three times what she 'd been expecting .
26 He 'd been expecting something like Abbotsfield or the decaying Georgian splendours of St Clement 's Vicarage in Church Row .
27 Was it Pie'oh'pah he 'd been expecting ?
28 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
29 ‘ I 'd been expecting for ages to hear you two were getting engaged .
30 She nodded , as if this was what she 'd been expecting , and then she took what was probably her first real look at her surroundings .
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