Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] put " in BNC.

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1 Now we 'd better put some distance between us and here .
2 For a start , we 'd better put these words on a high shelf ; in a square box behind glass which we have to break with our elbow ; in the bank .
3 We 'd better put something on there . "
4 You 'd better put them in touch with me . ’
5 Perhaps you 'd better put some clothes back on . ’
6 Anyway I 'd better put some more in yours
7 Well I 'd better put the duvet in the wash then .
8 You 'd better put something on it .
9 You 'd best put them by in case the weather closes in again . ’
10 You 'd best put me down if you know what 's good for you . ’
11 You 'd best put it on quickly .
12 horrible types that can eat and eat and do n't put on an ounce
13 That has yet to be tested in public , but the evening certainly did not put her off — — she has been an ardent fan of the Welsh National Opera ever since .
14 Daily Telegraph If you did not put aluminium in you would have water that was cloudy .
15 These would have to be stringent enough to ensure that the country 's borrowing did not put pressure on national or Community interest rates .
16 After the first-race fall of Sibton Abbey , his trainer Ferdy Murphy did not put it quite so politely .
17 I have read my Foucault , I am aware of the conceptual shortcomings of a timeless , essentialist homosexual identity , I might even want to take the step of putting quotations marks around the word ‘ gay ’ — but the man who queerbashed me some years ago did not put quotation marks around his fists .
18 They entered for all parts of the competition , and their designs for the Foreign Office and the War Department were both placed seventh on the assessors ' lists , but Burn did not put them so highly , and in the end both designs were rejected by the judges , and their block plan , which had not even been seen by the assessors and presumably never tested against the conditions , was awarded third prize .
19 But that did not put a stop to the myths that have always surrounded Earth 's nearest neighbour
20 She did not put on a tape of Vivaldi .
21 Being fired by two British directors in two British plays did not put Dustin off the British .
22 ( The education of Dustin towards some understanding of feminism , even though mainly in theory rather than in practice , was only to come after his divorce , the making of Kramer vs Kramer and Tootsie , and marriage to a woman who did not put his ideas to the test . )
23 We were given to understand that the A.S.R. boats did not put out on the express orders of the A.O.C. that they would be too vulnerable to air attack .
24 ‘ Binge ’ diary Week 1 Decided to give up vomiting ; binged three times 2–3 Noticed that when stressed by children she turned to food and binged 4–5 Binged only once each week 6–7 Returned home and observed how she wanted to please her parents 8–9 On holiday , eating three meals a day — discovered she did not put on weight .
25 GM did not put in a counterbid , as it considered that the company was being overvalued .
26 ‘ He certainly did not put pressure on us , ’ he said .
27 The Bristol University graduate , the third-choice keeper until last night , did not put a hand , or foot , wrong and he could do nothing about the Spartak goals .
28 I want to make it clear that the cricket committee did not put forward Richardson 's name unanimously , as some have suggested .
29 He did not put on the headlights .
30 The eight-year Iran-Iraq war , which ended in 1988 , did not put an end to the hostility between the two countries .
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