Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] stand " in BNC.

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1 Stuart Weir , who has courageously stood by Rushdie , was there , and so were such men and women of impeccable liberal credentials as James Cornford , Sara Maitland and Ben Whitaker .
2 ‘ Have been reading ’ , I realized even as I struggled to find somewhere to stand the strawboard in the darkness , makes a somewhat smaller claim than ‘ have read ’ , and I scarcely expect that my ‘ books ’ , to anyone outside the very restricted world of philosophical studies , are going to include the two on Spinoza ; all of which suggests a second-hand and partial acquaintance with my only other work , Natural Man .
3 A general system of gardening founded on experience is a work of which the public has long stood in need .
4 One has only to stand on the bridge over the Trannon at Trefeglwys and look upstream to see the stable narrow river coursing elegantly between its magnificent borders of ash and sycamore , and compare this with the immediate downstream reach , which wanders amidst a waste of gravel .
5 One has only to stand back and survey the scope of changes and the timescales involved to appreciate the problems encountered by senior management .
6 Not fool enough to stand aside and watch the best thing that 's ever happened to me wither away because I 'm too scared to let it put down roots .
7 For a moment — then the skylight in the beamed roof was flung up , and Frankenstein 's Adam came leaping down to stand before me in his wrath !
8 But agriculture has not stood still .
9 But this simplistic account of that crucial phase of evolution has not stood the test of modern investigation .
10 Unfortunately the detailed work on which that revision is itself based has only been published in Soviet journals in Russian , so has not stood the test of scrutiny by Western astronomers .
11 Occupied just standing , then shuffling
12 The two men , who were completely sober despite their time in the bar , moved away to stand against the cracked plaster walls of the buildings to either side of the main road , glancing quickly around the corners to check for traffic .
13 Caught still standing at the window , Meg 's scattered treasure , her , now lost forever , blown wits .
14 Aqib predictably bounced him , and the first over he faced encapsulated all that Gower has ever stood for : an edge ( somehow made to seem unregretted ) and an exquisite cover-drive ; beaten again , and a controlled turn to leg for two .
15 I do not for one minute believe that we shall hand over everything that this country has ever stood for in terms of its independence .
16 ALLERTHORPE HALL has always stood apart and important on the flat plain beside the Roman road that runs straight as a die from Borough Bridge to Catterick , and on the bendiest of bends in the River Swale .
17 Cash 's liberalism only extends so far — he has always stood for old-fashioned values like God , country and being handy in a knife fight .
18 The Conservative Party has always stood for the protection of the citizen and the defence of the rule of law .
19 It stands as it has always stood ,
20 The company has always stood for excellence in analogue sound reproduction , its fame having been made by its first and longest running model , the LP12 turntable .
21 Getting this ingredient off the drawing boards and into bricks and mortar — not to mention details such as Donald Duck doorknobs — was indeed the stuff of dreams for Stern , who has always stood up for emotional content : ‘ In my view , whether you are engaged in a theme park , a hospital , or a court house , the building should elicit some excitement . ’
22 Clothkits has always stood for quality clothes .
23 In a world of naysayers and traditionalists , the American character has always stood out — cheerfully optimistic , willing to run risks , ready to try anything .
24 She , why she , throughout my life , has always stood by me to help me make big decisions … ’
25 The anatomy of Aristodikos and the Kritian boy alike is simplified from nature , not quite in the same way , but in both natural forms are perfectly understood ; only Aristodikos stands ( like Euthydikos 's kore ) in the formal way a statue has always stood , the other relaxed as a boy might actually stand .
26 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
27 It has also stood Marx on his head , by transforming itself from a classless society into a caste society ( if at the same time gratifying Lenin 's hope that the intermediate stage of class society might be bypassed ) .
28 After the South African War , he tried unsuccessfully to stand for the South African parliament before returning home to marry Lady Mary Douglas Hamilton .
29 Dynamic , decisive , celebrating the market economy ( ‘ If the market demands change , all the obstacles people want to put up mean nothing , because whoever gets there first gets the business : it 's a very fast way of making things happen ’ ) , Hailes and Elkington are the antithesis of much that green has traditionally stood for .
30 Like all scientific findings , mine are actually nothing but readings on meters , printouts on papers , numbers derived from machines ( nothing but pointer-readings , the positivist philosopher and physicist Ernst Mach called such observations back at the beginning of this century ) , which I manipulate to extract meaning and which I then endeavour to extrapolate back to stand for , to represent , deductions about the behaviour of molecules , cells and organisms in the real world .
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