Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] familiar " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless the suggestions outlined in this paper would put new teachers in a strong position to teach language awareness , and make them familiar with important issues in the social dimensions of language in Britain today , both with respect to minority languages and with regard to the linguistic needs of society as a whole .
2 Abolitionists underlined their familiar moral attack and claimed the unacceptability of ownership of another human being as the basis for Buxton 's wish to free slave children .
3 I thought for an incredible moment that I caught something familiar in the sound — but it could n't be .
4 In what was becoming his familiar style , Franco appeared on the scene on 29 September , when success had already been achieved .
5 David Fielding 's set has his familiar white walls and floor , with a series of coloured backdrops on to one of which are projected a distant view of the palace and a nearer one of a stag .
6 In response to parliamentary questions , demanding that the government introduce their own bill rather than relying on private members ' initiatives , the Home Office made its familiar position clear : ‘ We strongly support the proposed Bill … but do not see how it is possible for the Government to undertake legislation . ’
7 For most schools , there is nothing new about this thinking : TVEI has already made them familiar with the concepts of cross-curricular dimensions ( such as equal opportunities , independent learning ) skills and competences ( such as literacy , oracy , numeracy , computer literacy , and the less obvious visual literacy ) and themes ( such as health education , careers education and guidance , environmental and economic education and — increasingly — citizenship ) .
8 If his language and intellectual categories are less startlingly novel today , it is because he , and a few others like Tom Nairn , have made them familiar to us .
9 I wish that the hon. Gentleman had made himself familiar with the two judgments in the case — those of Mr. Justice Simon Brown and of the Master of the Rolls .
10 On these rides , sometimes of many miles , he found things with which Emmanuel Congregational church and Repton school chapel had not made him familiar .
11 The circumstances in which Anselm used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae in these nine letters from 1101 to 1106 show that he knew that this phrase embodied the papal policy with which Hugh of Lyons had probably made him familiar , and which he was in duty bound to carry out in the matter of homage and investiture .
12 Once you have made yourself familiar with the basic sewing processes , you will then be able to cope with any of the projects in this book .
13 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
14 The picture does not really change if we turn from the Bible to those seals and bronzes from the Persian period with which the Archaeological Museums of Jerusalem have made us familiar .
15 Surely I 'll see something familiar soon .
16 So the world Maintains its confusion round the silent corpse Of the old warrior ; and the flowers , Beset by astonishing messages , Wear his familiar , wry and bemused smile .
17 At long off , to borrow from cricket parlance , there was a stately tree which , to a man , Locke 's rivals considered would force the ‘ Old Knickerbocker Man ’ to forego his familiar shape of shot .
18 He adopts his familiar ape walk , with knees bent outwards and fingers trailing , to express his wry awareness of having boobed .
19 Make everything familiar .
20 As a result of this hydrolysis , InsP 3 and DAG will be formed in the nucleus where they might perform their familiar second messenger functions .
21 The famous metallic voice with its slight Midlands cadences exercised its familiar thrill .
22 His last words were : " Bury me in my uniform " , and as he lay in the chapel of rest he was wearing his familiar pullover , yellow shirt and blue crash helmet .
23 In this case , the hand is simply an autoscope — a ‘ stageprop ’ — used to help a medium contact her familiar spirit .
24 The judge went on : ‘ The fact that there is a difference in the figures between the settlement in the book action and the jury in the pamphlet action will not surprise anyone familiar with all the circumstances .
25 To his credit he has avoided giving us familiar images of Everest , Machhapuchhare and the like , and instead has chosen to be more creative in his choice of viewpoints , angles and lighting .
26 The thought of work brought its familiar comfort , and as he pushed open the door of his unit he switched his mind tidily from the press conference to the tests waiting to be done .
27 Ask anyone familiar with the City what they associate with corporate finance and like as not you will be told ‘ red braces , long lunches , big mouths , broad concepts ’ .
28 There was considerable applause from his listeners as he advanced his familiar protectionist argument .
29 Memories of long waits in countless English corridors made it familiar .
30 Perkin had had to get over the shock of finding my familiar ski-jacket and boots in the boathouse and then the far worse shock of the cataclysmic reversal of his scheme when Harry and I both lived .
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