Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] bad " in BNC.

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1 While this may have appeared to solve the monarchy 's immediate problems , in the long run it only made them worse .
2 For a moment the noise was indescribable , much of it contributed by McAllister , who set up a keening cry , and , in endeavouring to make matters better by dabbing at the debris on Mrs Darrell 's lap with a damask napkin , made them worse .
3 The great danger of the proposals , I said , was not that they would fail to improve our schools , but that they would make them worse .
4 But the irony of the current position is that the Conservatives have all the same problems — but with a policy mix that will make them worse !
5 But reformers said jailing kids would make them worse .
6 It 'll only make them worse . ’
7 Only , again , why does that make me worse than Nicky ?
8 ‘ You mean nothing worse could happen ? ’ asked Betty doubtfully .
9 I mean , I felt that , it made me worse as well , by going to them and I decided that I would never go back to them again , you know .
10 Prison just made me worse ; it did nowt else .
11 I had that at Christmas which made me bad all over Christmas right ?
12 ‘ Only one , ’ said Ken , ‘ and that was n't because I forgot it : it was because they 'd given me bad directions . ’
13 For example , strong tea , coffee , alcohol , fruit juice or highly spiced dishes can bring on Cystitis attacks or make them worse .
14 Make them worse !
15 They tend to say we must overthrow the existing social order and establish a new just social order , when human beings will be liberated from the corrupting erm , alienating er forces , that er , make them bad , and everything will be , everything will be okay .
16 That you do n't think me bad . ’
17 I just got my bad
18 Hearing you on the telephone just seemed to confirm my worst fears , and I did n't stop to reason things through .
19 With the stock market dropping to less than half its end-of-1989 peak , brokerages report their worst business results in 30 years .
20 Burdened by the fear that some ‘ performance ’ , of which they feel incapable , is expected , and therefore that their ‘ manliness ’ is threatened , they may get so miserable and anxious that they realise their worst fears , by becoming unable to have an erection and then hiding behind the idea that ‘ I 'm an old man now , so what can I expect ? ’
21 Within several days she had forgotten her bad habit and her anxiety , and ceased to require an inducement to let someone climb on her back .
22 — And she wo n't believe it if I say owt bad about him .
23 Yeah , yes it 's only wants one bad one among the crowd , like a ba a b bad apple , go through the lot .
24 If you had a cold , aconite would stop it from developing , or keep a bad cold from becoming something worse .
25 He 's played many good rounds and usually has one bad one per tournament .
26 Benn added : ‘ I really want him bad .
27 I want him bad … ’
28 He 's took it bad , he 's a fine weather but it seems like
29 Yeah I know I like Jenny I mean , but I never really say anything bad about Jenny .
30 They want us bad .
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