Example sentences of "[verb] [art] help " in BNC.

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1 Upon contacting the help desk , your call will be logged and you will be asked to provide information concerning the problem .
2 Only so will children be sure to get a proper grounding in science , mathematics and music ; only so will children with special educational needs be identified and given the help they must have .
3 The justices ' reason for making the secure accommodation order was that in view of the facts found an order was required in order that the child could be given the help and guidance to meet his special needs .
4 The reasons for making the order : ‘ In view of the facts found an order is required in order that [ he ] can be given the help and guidance to meet his special needs . ’
5 As late medieval Catholics also believed that they could elicit the help of the Virgin Mary and the saints in heaven not only for themselves but also for those in purgatory , intercessory prayers , masses for the dead , and the worship of relics of the saints were all extremely important features of lay piety .
6 We find it difficult to know how to obtain samples of families with recent baptisms , so we enlist the help of some local clergy who are interested , and we find that it seems simpler to restrict ourselves to baptism within the Anglican Church , since other baptisms in nonconformist churches and chapels suggest that the parents are of some definite religious following .
7 Gradually they enlist the help of the Thals , persuading them to overcome their pacifist lifestyle and to fight for their share of this planet .
8 Enlist the help of parents and get them on the side of the school by :
9 In particular , Central Council appreciates the help , guidance and continued support of the Director General of RAF Personal Services and his staff throughout the year .
10 The author wishes to acknowledge the help of three of his colleagues in the preparation of this paper , Mr J.Eadie , Dr P.Newbould and Dr T.J.Maxwell .
11 In publishing this information we wish to acknowledge the help given by the following organisations which were included in the visit programme :
12 In 195 B.C. Lampsacus registered the help which her Phocaean sister-city Massalia had given to her , not only at Rome , but also in relations with the Celts of Asiatic Galatia ( Dittenberger , Sylli. 591 ) .
13 It displays the help text for the current field , and , if the key is pressed again , it will display successive help pages for the current page .
14 Well that 's what 's annoying , I got the help !
15 Mrs Pember Reeves found that housewives in Lambeth were reluctant to move away and forego the help they knew to be available in times of need , for neighbourliness implied reciprocity .
16 She also sought the help of the Canadian High Commission and her appeal was forwarded to the Canadian Veterans Affairs Department , which has provided information on the three Canadians in the crew .
17 Such a memorial , however , was not likely to satisfy Catholics , Jews and members of other denominations so the RAF sought the help of the CWGC .
18 Realising his dog was in desperate need of a 12,000 mile service and some sort of treatment for his obsession with the automobile , Noddy 's owner sought the help of Peter Neville .
19 Their neighbours sought the help of the IRA ( which adopted a vigilante role in the area ) who told the applicants that , unless they left Northern Ireland within 72 hours , they would all be killed .
20 In January 1547 , when Henry was dying , Rotz sought the help of the French ambassador Odet de Selve to secure his return to France .
21 Most of them required or sought the help of the pope or his standing officers and courts .
22 I sought the help of the Public Bill on this and I was referred to erm Statutes i in force .
23 He spoke enthusiastically at the time of co-opting the help of government , community groups and business — a troika that would transform downtrodden parts of the city into gleaming new shopping malls and day-care centres and rebuilt factories and office space .
24 Typically a client will seek the help of a bureau when debt problems have become unmanageable for them , and the stress of trying to cope with perhaps a dozen competing creditors plus court summonses is threatening home life , health , housing and possibly employment .
25 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
26 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
27 The physiotherapist may need the help of a second therapist , especially for the head-injured patient or the patient who has had a severe stroke .
28 Some couples who have failed to hear what the other has been saying over a number of years may need the help of a third person , probably a trained counsellor , to get them talking again .
29 Making things to fit the children themselves can be tricky , and children will probably need the help of a friend or an adult .
30 This may seem like a hard thing to do , but if you 've been involved with occult powers you really do need the help of an older Christian , so pluck up all your courage and …
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