Example sentences of "[verb] [art] lower " in BNC.

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1 Laganside agreed to review safety procedures during the week-long break to accommodate the Lower Ormeau Community Festival .
2 Gently curve the lower edge of the strip up to a 4cm point at the opposite end .
3 Later neolithic houses were normally built on a stone footing and this system — building the lower part of the walls of stone , the upper part of mudbrick — became standard in the bronze age .
4 At the time of writing we have had two productive days clearing the front of the Horderley station platform and building the lower courses of the new facing wall .
5 The horse can move its lower jaw from side to side when eating , and the jaw muscles drag the lower teeth inward in a grinding motion .
6 Two soldiers were detailed to search the lower part of the house and two the upper .
7 The Pb isotope data for other islands located in areas of old lithosphere , Fernando de Noronha , Cape Verdes and the oceanic Cameroon line ( Fig. 1 ) , tend to be only slightly high in 206 Pb/ 204 Pb for a given 207 Pb/ 204 Pb ( Fig. 2 c ) , as expected given the lower average U/Pb ratios of lavas from these islands ( Fig. 3 a ) .
8 It is generally thought that the latter component should be small ( about one-third the concentration of H 2 O 2 ) which , given the lower sensitivity of the instrument for CH 3 OOH ( by a factor of 0.6 ) , implies that the total peroxide signal should approximate that for hydrogen peroxide alone .
9 Note that eurobonds are unlikely to attract tax exempt investors such as pension funds , given the lower yield associated with bearer status .
10 In February 1834 , an American called Benjamin Bonneville penetrated the lower Nez Perce heartland west of the Snake in the continuing battle to win over trade from the British .
11 The criminogenic nature of the social system , as it was described , was that honest labour was rewarded only with poverty-level wages and filthy cellar homes , while the ruling class indulged itself in idle luxury ‘ enshrined in palaces , furnished in a style of Oriental splendour ’ , thus encouraging the lower orders to improvise their own short-cut to the universal aspiration of acquisition :
12 I would expect to see the lower figures resulting in as indeed they themselves imply , lower migration movements to North Yorkshire and indeed I think the figures from er might end up by the end of the period as net outward movement from North Yorkshire to be achieved , given the level of commitments we have up front .
13 Examples 6–9 should be played using a pick/finger combination ; pick the lower notes , and finger-pick the upper ones .
14 If women fully develop the lower pec muscles , the result is that the bust is pushed out by large underlying muscles , thus seeming larger .
15 Thiercelin signalled to the sharpshooters manning the lower windows of the dining-room to hold their fire .
16 The Conservative election victory did owe something to Mrs Thatcher 's past efforts ; these efforts included a re-ordering of the social hierarchy , making the poor more down and out , and bringing the lower middle class ( as we old Marxists used to say ) or C2s in class-free speak , within shopping distance of middle class ( B/C1 ) comfort .
17 The average group however choose private provision when G is low or medium , hence preferring the lower level of state spending , but switch to public provision when G is high , this being their overall preferred level .
18 The enhancements also include the ability to support the lower line speeds — 1,200Kbps to 9,600Kbps — used for wide area network connections in some countries .
19 In the nineteenth century they manned the lower ranges of the political structure by combining with their traditional municipal powers the electoral patronage of parliamentary government .
20 These US estimates tend to emphasize direct rather than opportunity costs , partly reflecting the lower level of welfare support especially for the higher education of children .
21 Around the stair tower , a curved , fin-like aluminium wall screens the lower conference room and the boardroom terrace above , and adds a further textural element to the low-key material themes of timber and brick .
22 The upperline represents the upper chain , the underline represents the lower chain .
23 On appeal , the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court 's ruling , but not without some controversy .
24 In general , passion should be treated in such manner as not to stimulate the lower and baser emotions .
25 A rock lay in his way and in revenge he kicked at it , catching the lower eye of one of his boots against its sharp side , and ripping his nearside instep as a result .
26 Instead , two much thinner battens are fitted to steady the lower apron and , being left free at the front or upper ends , they are able to maintain the sail shape while the rear end of the kite flexes in the manner of a soaring bird 's tail feathers .
27 With those I returned at speed to the boathouse and attacked the lower door , first hammering the toe of the tyre lever into a nonexistent crack between the wooden door frame and the surrounding brickwork at a level just below the keyhole , then bashing the far end of that iron , to put heavy leverage against the door frame , then wrenching out the lever and repeating the whole process above the lock , this time with fury .
28 This may partly explain the lower prevalence rate found in several previous studies in comparison with our results .
29 The marchers avoided the Lower Ormeau on their way back home in the afternoon .
30 The incoming immune adults then graze the lower more fibrous echelons of the herbage which contain the majority of the L3 .
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