Example sentences of "[verb] [art] difference " in BNC.

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1 Under current Government rules , only the first £10 is ignored but previously , both Middlesbrough and Langbaurgh ignored the whole pension and met the difference .
2 Naturally he would stress the difference between phalanx and legion in a war between Macedonians and Romans ( 18.28 ) , but he would not present the war as a conflict between Macedonian monarchy and the Roman mixed constitution .
3 Or more exactly , while he does stress the difference between poetry and referential language , he also stresses that the experience which poetry produces differs only in degree , not in kind , from other types of emotive experience .
4 They er they try and compensate the difference between the intervention price in one country with the intervention price in another country .
5 In the example given , " original variance " records the difference between original budget cost and the estimated final cost given in the last report ; " current variance " records the difference between the latest approved budget and current estimated final cost .
6 In the example given , " original variance " records the difference between original budget cost and the estimated final cost given in the last report ; " current variance " records the difference between the latest approved budget and current estimated final cost .
7 Some languages have a freer word order and use other devices to signal the difference between S , V and O.
8 Some languages use intonation to signal a grammatical contrast , for example , Portuguese uses intonation to signal the difference between a statement and a polar question , in contrast to the example of Tamil in 7.1.2 .
9 In " Learning a Foreign Language " ( p. 148 ) Nida gives examples of languages where a difference in tone signals a grammatical contrast , e.g. a difference in tense , as in Ngbaka ( Zaire ) : In English , stress is used to signal the difference between a verb and a noun , e.g. 'import ( noun ) — im'port ( verb ) .
10 A neutral presentation would expose the difference and show that the delegation of authority does not imply the forfeiture of ultimate control .
11 To locate faint sounds we automatically maximise the difference in time of arrival and loudness of the sound by turning our head until one ear is facing the source of the sound .
12 When dogs have spent long periods living outside , they do n't know indoors from outdoors , and must be taught the difference .
13 Citibank , for example , will refund the difference if a customer finds he has not bought his goods at the best advertised price .
14 It is possible to imagine that for some people such consolation might make it easier to reconcile the two , and to wonder what it was that made the difference in Fraser 's case .
15 MARCO GABBIADINI , Sunderland 's England Under-21 forward , eloquently provided the dash and style that made the difference between these two sides , and it was his sharply taken goal that won this Littlewoods Cup replay .
16 This kind of specialist service has , solicitor James Whelan believes , made the difference between success and failure for himself and his wife in finding an ideal base in Devon to come back to from Dubai , where they lived since 1985 .
17 The end of the Cold War made the difference .
18 Playing these holes well made the difference .
19 Maybe it made the difference between having lunch or going hungry .
20 ‘ And is the ‘ ’ anything' ’ what made the difference ? ’
21 So what made the difference ?
22 A community trauma made the difference : a fire on 6 August 1613 , from which comes the title of the book .
23 Obviously it was n't the money that made the difference : what was important was the fact that the wealth opened up all sorts of possibilities to the lucky children that simply were not available to adopted children of poorer parents .
24 He 's been a bit disappointing and they made the difference . ’
25 As both schools had a similar catchment area , he postulated that it was the schools themselves that made the difference between their pupils ' behaviour .
26 From this time onward the greater part of the effort is concentrated on the critical event that made the difference between a routine flight and a catastrophe .
27 Two phone bidders made the difference as they slowly and deliberately raised the bidding , the victor ( an anonymous buyer ) paying $7 million ( £3.9 million ) for it .
28 There is no doubt that the strong union organisation in the factory , which forced the union to back them , made the difference in saving the jobs .
29 The thought or feeling tipped the balance , made the difference .
30 What made the difference , I wonder ?
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