Example sentences of "[noun] wait [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Staring out across the car park , where silent , empty cars wait for their owners like patient pets , he ponders the success of the meeting .
2 ‘ Now good digestion wait on appetite ,
3 Bottomley mum 3-hour wait for op
4 The fungi wait for at least a couple of characters to enter before they attack .
5 In Teheran poor peoples wait in long lines in the snow for paraffin .
6 There are plans to give everyone affordable health insurance , allow leave from work for anyone with a sick child or elderly relative to look after , and enforce a seven-day wait for anyone wanting to buy a handgun .
7 Why , for example , did the author of Lucky Jim wait for nearly ten years before following his own hero to the metropolis ?
8 Chauffeurs wait at the kerb beside long , illegally-parked cars .
9 We had a one-and-a-half-hour wait between semi and final .
10 Spurs wait on a fitness test on Nayim .
11 The drinking session that followed stretched until 4.00 am ; the players disproving the theory that time and tide wait for no man .
12 John had advised him to transfer from Rome airport to the railway station to avoid a five hour wait at Rome , but oh ! no ! big boots insisted on flying , although the late flight from Rome is notorious — and , of course , just after John had left for Naples airport , having to do quite a lot of the journey on foot , as late evening buses stop at a given time on Public Holidays , rang to say that Alitalia was alleging weather problems at Naples and so the passengers would be transferred by coach arriving at 2am .
13 Also when I leave on 4th Feb , I have a 12 hour wait at Rio de Janeiro , so I hope I can look round the city .
14 The rest of the journey , not least an eight hour wait for a connection in Los Angeles , was not , I have to admit , so memorable or pleasing .
15 Copies of the charter were being given out during the rush hour at Darlington but connections proved not to be the best with an hour wait for the next train south .
16 Lily Morrison was due to have treatment for a hernia but , after a three hour wait in a side ward , was told the operation has been cancelled .
17 The same autograph-hunting crowds wait for her and the same bland interviewers are at hand to ask the same repetitive questions for TV , radio , newspaper or magazines .
18 I can t wait for Marie to be finished here so we can walk down the street in our new clothes .
19 On the parking front in the centre of Nottingham you 'll find a space at St James Street and the Arndale Centre car park but Victoria Centre 's got a few minutes wait at the York Street entrance and Trinity Square still very busy next update in ten minutes time .
20 In the centre of the bowl their huge mounts wait among the herd .
21 So the black-backed gulls wait for them in the air in front of the cliffs , wheeling and circling on the up-draught created as the wind , blowing in from the sea , is deflected upwards .
22 Michael Zimmetri , 47 , admitted two charges of falsely imprisoning the men after a three-hour wait at Sunderland General Hospital , Tyne and Wear .
23 They are also helpful if they are arranged so that you are paid on or before the date of delivery of your goods or services as compared with the usual 40- to 70-day wait for your cheque .
24 The total number of people waiting for NHS treatment in the UK rose to more than one million in March 1990. 25% of inpatients wait for longer than a year for treatment .
25 Snug in their beds , insects wait for warmer days to come .
26 Apparently , the dolphin has learned to use a partially formed seine-net ( which works by encircling a school of fish ) to catch fish , while the fishermen wait in the river for the arrival of a large school .
27 Strike threat dropped as workers wait for Albion decision
28 City : Heron banks wait in line for £1bn debt repayment
29 This meant a four-hour wait in Boaventura where we were observed by amused barefooted children , obviously unused to foreigners .
30 Unconcerned that it took him more than a year to prepare for , he points out the record wait for a first speech is 40 years and even Margaret Thatcher took 18 months before she made hers .
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