Example sentences of "[noun] send [prep] " in BNC.

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1 PS Send on the list of your TV dates you ca n't do ’ .
2 The province still receives in federal transfer payments about C$3.50 for every tax dollar Newfoundlanders send to Ottawa .
3 Mrs Jill Buxton of Gainford will use stock from the shop , which includes clothing and books , to help fill four 40ft containers which The Knights of St Columba send to Poland each year .
4 Quick , lad send for the peelers
5 Now , with all their claptrap about citizens charters , the Government have had the BBC send to every Member of Parliament letters carrying the Tory party propaganda that they can not allow pensioners to have a free television licence .
6 SPECIAL GH OFFER Send for our really delightful , obeliskshaped , climbing-rose frame ( above ) .
7 And we get songs that people send into the office and once in a while we 'll come up with something that somebody just sends us .
8 How many birds did my true love send to me on the twelfth day of Christmas ?
9 The provision of factual information seems to alleviate some of the initial anxiety on immediate arrival at the ward and many hospitals send to those who are being admitted from the waiting list , some type of preparatory material ranging from a leaflet to an illustrated brochure , the latter in particular for children .
10 It 's easy to control , including the scheduling aspects — you can delay a fax send until a specific time , sending all your faxes for one day after 6pm , say , in order to take advantage of off peak telephone rates ( or after midnight , if you have a midnight line ) .
11 This student had to : define the parameters of the subject use the library subject index locate a range of materials — cassettes , topic folders , books learn to use Clover Index to trace periodical literature check Prestel for any up-to-the-minute information send for materials through the Mailbox facility The library provided a print-out of the HEC/ASH pages the student selected ( see Figure 7.6 ) .
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