Example sentences of "[noun] to deal [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When similar restructuring exercises have happened in industry a core group of policymakers has met , initially to produce policy guidelines but then to take the issues identified by personnel managers on the ground and to develop policy guidelines to deal with them .
2 The Foreign Compensation Commission was empowered by statute to deal with claims to compensation under agreements with foreign governments .
3 It would be possible for officers ' secretaries to deal with external calls and most people do dial out direct anyway .
4 We reject outdated notions of national sovereignty , believing that they now stand in the way of common action to deal with the scourges of disease and hunger , the deterioration of the Earth 's environment and the continuing dangers of the post-Cold War world .
5 While Lord Scarman was careful not to enter the political dispute between the Government and the Labour party on issues such as unemployment and housing , his call for more direct action to deal with these problems , along with racial disadvantage , posed a challenge to the political legitimacy of the policies which the Government had followed from 1979 onwards .
6 A number of local authorities have attempted to take more positive action to deal with the issues raised by the 1985 riots , but their experience has shown that such local initiatives are often severely limited by the actions of national government , the police , and broader economic and political pressures .
7 Policy : ‘ To intensify action to deal with problems created by obsolete and bad neighbour industry … undertaking or encouraging relocation etc . ’ .
8 ASHWORTH Hospital has published its plan of action to deal with the recommendations of the public inquiry into conditions at the special hospital .
9 He had taken ‘ common sense action to deal with a whirlwind ’ .
10 When the guidance was issued in draft form last year it was ridiculed by professionals for failing to give care workers specific advice on action to deal with particularly difficult children , such as those who become violent or persistently abscond .
11 Action to deal with offenders was to be taken on a voluntary rather than a court basis where possible .
12 As a Stalinist , Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken .
13 Thus Quality Control is basically a system for setting quality standards , measuring performance against those standards and taking appropriate action to deal with deviations outside permitted tolerances .
14 The NFU and the Opposition want action to deal with Britain 's £6 million trading deficit in food and drink which , rightly , concerns the Government , the farmers and the British producers and certainly concerns me .
15 But the threat of the old section of the course has meant some swift action to deal with a worsening plight .
16 The NEAP process involves : ( i ) the identification of a country 's environmental conditions and specific problems ; ( ii ) preparation of proposals to overcome the problems ; and ( iii ) formulation of a plan of action to deal with them over a specific period of time .
17 The chairman of the Police Federation is calling for much tougher action to deal with young offenders .
18 The Government has announced tough new action to deal with illegal gypsy encampments .
19 Later it was discovered that the council had written to the club months earlier demanding action to deal with the hazard .
20 We must take action to deal with the changed situation we presently face .
21 Ever since Tom Wilmot won his historic battle with the Inland Revenue to deal in USM shares without incurring 1% stamp duty on every transaction , licensed dealers have welcomed and participated in the growth of this secondary market .
22 This strengthens the case for powers to be granted to the United Nations to deal with such conflicts .
23 But while this method keeps many plant-eaters at bay , there are always a few creatures who have the design capability to deal with the toxins .
24 Without the capability to deal with punctuation , rule-based systems are unable to deal with many naturally occurring linguistic constructions .
25 It was only late in the 1890s , under pressure from the NVA that New Scotland Yard established a special department to deal with indecent books and pictures .
26 This information is increasingly becoming of local nature , C C T and L M S make it difficult for our national research department to deal with local issues .
27 Even walking along the quayside promises to be an unhealthy and unpleasant experience : smelly and midge-infested , though the CBDC is promising a combination of pumped aeration and chemical sprays to deal with the ‘ problems . ’
28 He finds time to talk to her and tell her what 's going on so that she 's never at a loss to deal with any situation .
29 More was clearly needed , for slum clearance since 1930 was regarded as both too limited in scope and too slow in practice to deal with the scale of the housing problem in the big cities .
30 It is common practice to deal with specific facts affecting the Business in the Disclosure Letter rather than in the Agreement itself .
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