Example sentences of "[noun] referred to " in BNC.

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1 The plans referred to are short-term plans for periods of from one week to one month .
2 It is sometimes difficult to make the decision referred to in ( i ) .
3 The codes used are summarised in Fig 11.13 ; internal in this instance referred to any activity within the EPH system model , and external to those of the wider system of interest or surrounding environment , eg the Department headquarters , Area Offices etc .
4 These students , like Fang himself , were part of the technocratic elite referred to earlier , but their better prospects and opportunities apparently failed to compensate for other sources of discontent .
5 As to claims that religious education was inadequate , he pledged the Movement ‘ to investigate any individual case referred to them ’ and promised ‘ to leave no stone unturned to make the most satisfactory arrangements possible , .
6 The Commission adopted interim measures for the first time in June 1991 in respect of aids granted to the French betting monopoly in the case referred to in the case study on pp. 238 — 43 .
7 WOMEN factory workers fighting for equal pension rights had their case referred to the European Court of Justice yesterday .
8 Isabelle is a case referred to by Kingsely Davis .
9 Thus in the case referred to by Holt C.J. , in Philips v. Bury , Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 , the plaintiff sought an order directed to the master and fellows of a college to reinstate him as a fellow , the visitor having already adjudicated that he had been rightly removed .
10 That view is in line with the decision in Andrews v. Singer , a civil case referred to earlier ( paragraph 10–12 ) .
11 The Panel may nevertheless amend the Code or the SARs in response to criticisms of a party 's conduct ( see the Guinness case referred to below ) .
12 In an action by the plaintiffs against various defendants , including the first and second defendants , Arthur Hugh Tully and his wife , Margaret McConnell Tully , Buckley J. on 5 June 1991 granted the plaintiffs ex parte injunctive relief requiring Mr. and Mrs. Tully , inter alia , to disclose all dealings relating to certain moneys referred to in a schedule to the order and all sums and assets representing or derived from such moneys , and to exhibit copies of all documents which related to the receipt or transfer of dealing with all such assets .
13 ‘ ( a ) setting out with full particulars all dealings by the first defendant or anyone on his behalf with : ( i ) the moneys referred to in schedule 1 to this order ; and ( ii ) all and any sums or assets representing or derived from those moneys ; and … ( c ) exhibiting copies of all documents which relate to the receipt or transfer of , or dealing with all such assets , and in particular all such documents as are set out in schedule 3 hereto and are in the possession custody or power of the first defendant .
14 iii ) perceptual variables will determine the individual 's reaction to the information inputs referred to in Paragraph ( i ) above .
15 Interestingly , the largest structure in this formulation is not the exchange or transaction of the Birmingham School analyses , but a claim by one speaker which gives rise to fixed possibilities for moves of support or counter claim , in patterns referred to as context spaces .
16 Sadly , the notes referred to money and medicines that had been sent by the family but not received in the prison .
17 A few seconds later , he gasped in realization : had n't the scientist referred to his tardy colleague as ‘ he ’ ?
18 As to more general options for change , the Board referred to the possibilities of exclusive or semi-exclusive ‘ contracting , ’ and of ‘ franchising . ’
19 ( 4 ) The period of 48 hours referred to in subsection ( 2 ) above shall not include a day which is a Sunday , Christmas Day , New Year 's Day , Good Friday , a bank holiday , or a public holiday , or a day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning .
20 To revert to the afflicted generations referred to earlier , the intolerance with petulance and ill-temper to which they were subjected was often perpetuated by non-commissioned officers in Her Majesty 's Services who , in their own inimitable way , took things a step or two further .
21 It is also most probably the park referred to in SB 33 .
22 He assumes that entities referred to will remain constant , that the temporal setting will remain constant , that the locational setting will remain constant , unless the speaker indicates some change in any of these , in which case the hearer will minimally expand the context .
23 Here we shall restrict the term to those aspects of language structure that encode the social identities of participants ( properly , incumbents of participant-roles ) , or the social relationship between them , or between one of them and persons and entities referred to .
24 ( Examination of the minutes referred to earlier suggests that the same is true of many other cases of closure in the Region , although the Director is careful now to propose closures on ‘ educational grounds ’ , and to direct that the–parents and School Council be consulted ) .
25 If revaluation of his security is necessary , resulting in a greater shortfall , he is to be treated as the creditors referred to in the previous paragraph .
26 ( 7 ) On receipt of an application of a kind referred to in subsection ( 6 ) above , and until the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , the clerk of a licensing board shall make the application , together with the documents lodged therewith , available for inspection by members of the public during normal office hours .
27 These include matters such as whether the tribunal was properly constituted and whether the case was of a kind referred to in the statute .
28 ( e ) details of any arrangement of the kind referred to in Note 6(b) of Rule 8 ( indemnities and arrangements regarding relevant securities ) .
29 The chamber will deal with environmental disputes between states referred to it by UN members .
30 The building materials used on the three houses referred to in ( b ) above had cost £18,000 and had all been paid for by December 1990 .
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