Example sentences of "[noun] becomes so " in BNC.

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1 Unless such points are maintained , the analogy becomes so strained that little that is distinctive about natural selection remains .
2 Ultimately , however , the randomness becomes so marked that such a description is no longer useful ; only a statistical description gives information that applies to another experiment on the same wake ( cf.
3 Add to them the cohorts of civil servants patiently drafting and redrafting sackfuls of international Green verbiage , and whole planeloads of whingeing journalists and television crews , and the whole shebang becomes so big as to overwhelm the senses of the vast majority of the aboriginal citizens of Planet Earth .
4 It is perhaps not so surprising that the penis becomes so wilfully difficult in later life when you consider the punishment that is doles out to it in adolescence .
5 Now you talk to any coward , a real coward like myself , and he 'll tell you there 's a point where fear becomes so great it actually turns into courage , not out of anger or fury but that marvellous innate desire to save your own skin .
6 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
7 Where the terrain becomes so steep that the leader no longer has a reasonable likelihood of controlling a slide , then belays of some form should be taken for the seconds .
8 .. [ which ] in the case of people who are not constitutionally sound becomes so dangerous that in many cases it develops into a ‘ consumption ’ … and the wisest course for such people to adopt is to leave England and cross the sea .
9 It is here that the visual cat and mouse game in nature becomes so fascinating lending itself to multifold design possibilities .
10 When an old person becomes so demented that she or he can not be contained in an old people 's home the choice is between a private nursing home costing about £400 a week or a free bed in the NHS .
11 Eventually , when the star has shrunk to a certain critical radius , the gravitational field at the surface becomes so strong that the light cones are bent inward so much that light can no longer escape ( Fig. 6.1 ) .
12 In terms of the flexible lattice model , one can imagine the polymer and liquid lattices expanding at different rates until a temperature is reached at which the highly expanded liquid lattice can no longer be distorted sufficiently to accommodate the less expanded polymer lattice and form a solution , i.e. the loss in entropy during the distortion becomes so large and unfavourable that phase separation ( LCST ) takes place .
13 In parts of northern Australia , where there are heavy seasonal rains , the ground becomes so waterlogged for part of the year that these downward migrations are not possible .
14 After a few days , her hunger becomes so great that she goes away to feed , leaving her young in the charge of others .
15 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
16 The tragedy of the whole affair becomes so pathetic as we realise that Coleen does love him and only a delay of post cost him his life .
17 FRACTAL geometry is one of those concepts which at first sight invites disbelief but on second thought becomes so natural that one wonders why it has only recently been developed .
18 As you near the village of Kentmere the beauty of the Lake District becomes so clear .
19 A delusion , on the other hand , is a , is a much more serious kind of factual error in which the element of wish fulfilness becomes so strong that it wo n't countenance any evidence against it .
20 In many ways , I feel , such a policy is against proper footwork , so then , of course , bodywork becomes so important .
21 Shingle moved to the upper parts of the beach by either of these causes will pile up until the bank becomes so steep that stones start to roll down the beach , thus maintaining a steeper inshore section to most beaches .
22 Reality becomes so painful that the sufferer uses his or her substance or process of addiction in order to survive the emotional carnage .
23 For some reason bream will still take a redworm even when preoccupied with casters , but there are times when the preoccupation becomes so acute you simply have to use casters on the hook .
24 The sub-atomic world becomes so strange and ‘ unscientific ’ that the some physicists like Fritjof Capra have been moved to consider the weird world of quarks and leptons in semi-mystical terms that combine the new physics with a holistic view of life in general .
25 On one side is the shattering power of time : This feeling of inevitability becomes so strong that it makes the poem comment on itself in surprised awareness — ‘ Oh fearful meditation ! ’ — and pushes on to an apparently unanswerable climax : ‘ Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back ? / Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid ? ’
26 At some time on his watch , say 11:00 , the star would shrink below the critical radius at which the gravitational field becomes so strong nothing can escape , and his signals would no longer reach the spaceship .
27 However , what the singularity theorems really indicate is that the gravitational field becomes so strong that quantum gravitational effects become important : classical theory is no longer a good description of the universe .
28 The danger in exclusively privileging the socio-cultural context in the interpretation of human institutions and behaviour is that every social phenomenon becomes so context-dependent that it can not be translated across cultures .
29 It is not yet clear why the activity becomes so much more pronounced as the nucleus is approached , although there are several possible explanations .
30 Due to the variety of natural forms there is a tendency to introduce more and more subdivisions until the classification becomes so unwieldy as to be useless .
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