Example sentences of "[noun] go to " in BNC.

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1 Today 's teenagers go to nightclubs where mega-watt public address systems pump out the latest chart-toppers to a dark and sweaty throng .
2 The signals from the switch go to an inverting DC coupled operational amplifier with lowpass filter characteristics through the addition of a capacitor in parallel with the feedback resistor .
3 Black kids go to school ill-equipped to do well and , of course , the majority do not do well academically .
4 I put the central heating on for one hour before the kids go to bed and one hour before they get up .
5 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
6 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
7 If the prefaces strike a sombre note , the entries go to the other extreme by being blandly reassuring and avoiding excessive detail .
8 The corresponding credit entries go to the asset account concerned , reducing the written down value , and to a depreciation reserve account .
9 The corresponding credit entries go to the asset account concerned , reducing the written down value , and to a depreciation reserve account .
10 Few runners in each contest go to post fully prepared and even fewer have the in-born talent to win .
11 My legs go to tubes of warm jelly .
12 We 've just given them so much bloody and if your houses are in bad condition go to your council !
13 After the meeting , me and Marie go to Peter 's room .
14 And , without a hint of irony , under the heading ‘ All kinds of people enjoy the arts ’ , it says that 3.1 million News of the World readers go to the theatre , and 1,157,000 Sun readers attend art galleries or exhibitions .
15 I think animals go to heaven and I think god loves animals too
16 The royalties go to Birthright ; let's hope they find a way to prevent tragic cot deaths .
17 Half of the royalties go to Elefriends .
18 Only 10% go to Church in England , but that 10% , many of whom attend meetings during the week as well as Sunday service , represent the biggest single sector in British society that come together voluntarily and regularly in an intentional way that is focused on something to do with how human beings live their lives ( i.e. not sport ) .
19 Funds go to the Heysham station in Lancashire , Torness in Scotland , Hartlepool and Dungeness .
20 Turnouts of over 50% in individual wards were almost commonplace , and in only one ward throughout the metropolitan areas ( Elswick , Newcastle upon Tyne ) did fewer than one in three of the electorate go to the polls .
21 In the remaining seats , the candidates who got more than an eighth of the total vote go to a second ballot .
22 what I 'm saying is with Arthur says get yourself four hundred pound go to aunty Mary 's , but you do n't want to go to aunty Mary 's do ya ? , you 'd rather her come here
23 She saw his furious glance go to her hand on his cousin 's sleeve , and swiftly she dropped her hand to her side .
24 My grateful thanks go to them all .
25 Our grateful thanks go to them for their support of the Association .
26 Our thanks go to Mrs Margaret ( Peggy ) Kaye , a member of the Fareham Branch , and an ex-pat WAAF , who writes to us from Orlando , Florida to tell us of a moving memorial service that took place at Arcadia , Florida on 27 May 1991 .
27 Thanks go to Ms K Brummitt from Birmingham for sending in these pokes for Murray Mouse and the Dizzy 's Excellent Adventures compilation .
28 Thanks go to Robin Greenwood from Barnsley for his hard work .
29 So many of you have written in and asked for help with this game , I 've decided to print a few more hints ( thanks go to Richard Lupton , Mark Latham and Ewen Nicholson for this stuff ) .
30 Chris Nicholls from Plymouth asked for a Turbo The Tortoise infinite lives poke , so thanks go to W Keenan from Tyne and Wear for his/her help .
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