Example sentences of "[noun] himself the " in BNC.

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1 As for the former chairman himself the greatest pity of all is that he found it necessary to go without finding a successor for himself .
2 But historians now recognize that for Darwin himself the idea of natural selection arose from a dialogue between his geographical studies and his interest in the process of reproduction by which the species is maintained .
3 in Kings North Trust v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 199 , 123 : ‘ if a creditor , or potential creditor , of a husband desires to obtain , by way of security for a husband 's indebtedness , a guarantee from his wife or a charge on property of his wife and if the creditor entrusts to the husband himself the task of obtaining the execution of the relevant document by the wife , then the creditor can be in no better position than the husband himself , and the creditor can not enforce the guarantee or the security against the wife if it is established that the execution of the document by the wife was procured by undue influence by the husband and the wife had no independent advice . ’
4 For Lester Piggott himself the differences with the American press were simply answered :
5 It had been Mrs. Bidwell 's arrival at Howarth 's house in obedience to the call which had given the Director himself the excuse for arriving so early .
6 Although the metaphor whereby perception is equated with movement towards the object perceived is commonplace , the effect of making the eye , rather than the observer himself the subject of these verbs is to disassociate the observer , as if in contemplative detachment , from the eye , which is restless and energetic .
7 Beset by illness — with Gooch himself the most damaging victim of the last few weeks — and bemused by Indian spin , England must pull themselves together if a bitterly disappointing tour is not to become a total disaster .
8 What he says about the king 's own explanation for his forwardness in battle is one of a number of examples of d'Ayala 's perception of the Scottish kingdom : ‘ He ( the king ) said to me that his subjects serve him with their persons and goods , in just and unjust quarrels , exactly as he likes , and that therefore he does not think it right to begin any warlike undertaking without being himself the first in danger . ’
9 But we saved the Queen 's fair fame , and to Rudolf himself the fatal stroke came as a relief from a choice too difficult : on the one side lay what impaired his own honour , on the other what threatened hers .
10 He laughingly nicknames himself the ‘ potato king of the world ’ .
11 Von Schirach pointed out that ‘ this unlimited , almost religious veneration , to which I contributed as did Goebbels , Göring , Hess , Ley , and countless others , strengthened in Hitler himself the belief that he was in league with Providence ’ .
12 ‘ And Rommel , General , the Desert Fox himself The people 's hero . ’
13 Of John himself the picture was still vague .
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