Example sentences of "[noun] himself in " in BNC.

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1 In 1596 he published an edition of the Spanish version of Calvin 's Catechism ( 1559 ) , and one of the New Testament from the Spanish Bible of Basle ( 1569 ) , which was eventually followed by a revision of the whole Bible , printed in Amsterdam ( 1602 ) , and supervised there by Valera himself in his seventieth year .
2 To be sure you are Lucifer himself in the shape of my master or you could not use me thus , and I beg you 'll send me out of my way to my poor parents .
3 Sitting at peace with his ailing woman , tenderly responsive , he imagined his mouth curved in a mysterious smile ‘ like that of Rembrandt himself in his self-portrait in which Saskia is sitting on his knee and he has a glass of wine in his hand . ’
4 ‘ He used to go into the bathroom and lock himself in there for hours .
5 Norman Crawford then pulled off a master stroke , introducing McConnell , and he set up Mark Burns for a short corner strike in the 46th minute before adding two goals himself in the space of five minutes to leave Holywood 4–2 ahead .
6 Dressed with extreme casualness himself in trainers and jeans , he ignored her outfit and she was left feeling uncomfortably in the wrong , almost as if he was doing her a favour by not commenting on her appearance .
7 Nor would Nevton any better understand that on a deeper level he had tried to force Hope into himself or force himself in Hope and , despite initial success , discovered a fierce resistance .
8 Observers were divided over the role played by Chadli himself in this dramatic turn of events .
9 Then , because he was feeling happy , confident and delighted with the speed at which she had learnt everything , knew , musically , all her roles , he began to sing Gesner 's part himself in his cracked old basso voice .
10 Hillier , who 's since served a jail sentence himself in connection with the fiddle , reported him to the police .
11 He preferred life at court to the hardships of campaigning ; he liked to deck himself in strings of precious stones and belts studded with priceless gems ; he wore clothes of the finest silk and from each ear lobe he hung a single pearl of remarkable size .
12 Mortimer 's estates were taken into the king 's hands , but , in contrast to his father in 1322 and Mortimer himself in 1327 , Edward did not immediately use the confiscated lands to underpin the power of another group of favourites .
13 Carter had been no mean personal campaigner himself in the past , but by 1980 his situation had changed fundamentally .
14 In the early hours of Sunday 13 February 1692 , Captain Campbell , from a clan hostile to the Macdonalds , along with 120 of his soldiers , whom the Macdonalds had been entertaining for the previous fortnight , suddenly fell upon their hosts and butchered them , shooting Macdonald himself in the back and killing nearly 70 men , women and children .
15 Carole , who had fallen to the floor and was attempting to massage her husband 's knee , looked up to see Kenneth Baker himself in a camel-hair dressing gown , flanked by two men with guns .
16 In his early twenties Wordsworth wandered the roads himself in search of case histories — see Guilt and Sorrow or Old Man Travelling — and when he settled at Grasmere he lived alongside a road which was used by travellers to Whitehaven and to Scotland in bad weather ; Dorothy 's Journals are full of encounters with wanderers .
17 For the lack of overt reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ in his major speeches , and the omission of his name as a signatory to the boycott ‘ appeal ’ can only be seen as a deliberate policy to detach the Führer himself in his public image from the violent anti Jewish rhetoric and actions of which he privately approved .
18 The elderly admirer is Nestor himself in a false beard and Irma , who is clearly short sighted as well as dim and really nice , hardly notices the difference .
19 His total of eight stolen bases in the A's 4-1 series victory was a post-season record , he scored eight runs in total and even managed a couple of homers himself in Saturday 's 6-5 win in the SkyDome .
20 And appoint Dunbar himself in Seton 's place , to the castle-keepership .
21 Lamarck , and many of his contemporaries ( including Charles Darwin himself in the later stages of his life ) , supposed that repeated use of a trait could itself change the genetic material that was responsible for the transmission of that trait so that characters acquired or improved by repeated use could be inherited directly by the offspring .
22 It is only when the frequency and magnitude of each behaviour is sufficiently marked and sufficiently prolonged to impede the child himself in his daily life or cause distress to his family or community that it can be defined as disorder ( Rutter et al. , 1970 ) .
23 Often , but by no means invariably , the medreses involved were imperial foundations , such as the medrese of Suleyman 's mother , Hafsa Sultan , in Manisa ( 929/1523 ) ; the medreses of Suleyman himself in Rhodes ( 956/1549 ) and Damascus ( 973/1566 ) ; and that of Selim II on the newly-conquered island of Cyprus ( 978–9/1570–1 ) .
24 Ceolwulf left England himself in 796 in the company of the bishop of London ( ASC A , s.a. 794 ) but whether to go on pilgrimage or into exile is not known and he died the same year ( ASC D , s.a. 796 ) .
25 A comely pair , resembling Lexandro himself in countenance …
26 Prosecution attorneys argued that these plea bargains and inducements were little different from procedures followed to obtain convictions of other " kingpin " drugs traffickers , including Lehder himself in 1988 .
27 Charlie completely blotted the great man out of the match and , with this vital piece of their armoury missing , Tottenham were nonplussed and the Palace went on to win with two goals scored by Billy Morgan , who had joined the club as part of the same complex deal as Cross himself in 1922 .
28 Such an individual could choose to ignore conventional time-cues and so cocoon himself in an artificial world in which meals and artificial lighting are adjusted to accord with the dictates of his body clock — like the subject in a cave ( in chapter 2 ) and the opposite of what happens normally , when our life-style adjusts our body clock .
29 Bill Gates will supposedly do the honours himself in his Windows World keynote address .
30 It may be worth noting that Heath himself in another article extends his time-scale further back to include the reforms of the first decade of the twentieth century .
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