Example sentences of "[noun] may see " in BNC.

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1 Garry may see things differently . ’
2 The pure economist may see himself or herself as occupying a different space from that of the applied economist ; the ‘ scholarly ’ critic from the ‘ responsive ’ one ; the ‘ objective ’ social researcher from the ‘ interpretative ’ one ; the doctor who ‘ delivers ’ health care from the one who ‘ responds ’ to his or her patients .
3 This has had the effect of making local authority housing even more subject to central scrutiny , and the current system of central government constraints has severely limited new council house provision in rural areas since 1980 , particularly as the new proposals may see more expensive building in rural areas as inappropriate .
4 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
5 That is why we put forward our amendment and hope against all hope that Labour may see the light and vote with us on our amendment .
6 Thus , while a Luxembourger , an Irishman , a Dutchman or a Belgian may see a European superstate as giving them a much larger stage on which to perform and one that would cost them nothing in sovereignty since what they have is already so diluted , to us it would mean the end of that independence which has allowed us to play a unique and continuing role in world affairs and to have this Gracious Speech setting out our parliamentary programme .
7 Indeed , this is how our informants may see it .
8 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen may see a great variety of his performances at this school , which he 'll regularly attend from 2–4 and 6–8 in order to teach . ’
9 Pray that the missionaries may see revival .
10 Each should be designed for its recipient , but remember that other eyes may see it .
11 Quiet and observant walkers may see red deer along this particular stretch .
12 His Albert Angelo ( 1964 ) has holes cut in its pages so that readers may see into the future , while his celebrated novel-in-a-box The Unfortunates ( 1964 ) is made up of loose-leaf sheets , intended , as a note on the box explains , ‘ to be read in random order ’ .
13 In return the club may see a return to even greater loyal support .
14 Drinkers at a new pub may see more than pink elephants hovering overhead if they have one too many this weekend .
15 The couple themselves may find it no problem , but Grandpa or Auntie may see it differently .
16 In most cases the issue raises no problems , but estranged parents using the child to fight their bat ties or rebellious teenagers seeking recognition of their maturity and autonomy against over-protective or interventionist parents may see it as an important issue of principle .
17 Parents may see danger when their children are too inexperienced to recognize it .
18 The labels parents attach to particular behaviour patterns often reflect this : thus one set of parents may see a grossly inactive baby as ‘ placid ’ and happily accept him as that , while another set might see the same child as irritatingly ‘ lazy ’ and accordingly try to force him to behave differently .
19 Yes well it 's possible that er Alan may see a way to using that but he is quite ni , I mean he he 's got no doubts he wants to come to me he 's in a divorce at the moment and the moment that the final papers are signed , he 's got to get out of the house he has to stay there till the last minute and then the moment that the papers are signed , he must go .
20 It is tempting to see these works as belonging to a formidable and sustained effort to return the history of science to where it was before it was invaded by what Hall may see as sociologizing and ‘ hermeticizing ’ interlopers .
21 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
22 A mosquito may see the scent of our bodies and be attracted thereby .
23 65 ) that the historian 's duty is ‘ to rejudge the conduct of men , that generous actions may be snatched from oblivion , and that the author of pernicious counsels , and the perpetrator of evil deeds may see , beforehand , the infamy that awaits them at the tribunal of posterity ’ .
24 North Street , Ulster Street , William Street and the town centre are most likely to be affected between 9am and 6pm but other areas may see a reduction in water pressure .
25 The ploughman , turning sullen clods may see
26 Thus only a parent may see information on the record concerning the pupil 's racial group , language or religion , and only a parent may see a statement of special educational needs ( under the Education Act 1981 — see Chapter 4 ) or results of the pupil 's assessment .
27 Thus only a parent may see information on the record concerning the pupil 's racial group , language or religion , and only a parent may see a statement of special educational needs ( under the Education Act 1981 — see Chapter 4 ) or results of the pupil 's assessment .
28 All the stages that Weiser finds of ‘ advance in personal knowledge ’ , a ‘ basic transition ’ here , a ‘ discovery ’ there , one which ‘ begins to dissolve ’ the speaker 's ‘ coherent identity ’ ( a development which the sceptic may see as a rationale for the failure of an analytical method ) — stages of awareness that lead to a final collapse : all this seems to me fictitious , revealing the critic 's categories rather than the poet 's .
29 Aniela Jaff has spoken of ‘ the mysterious and lonely poetry , ’ which she finds in Chagall 's art , a ‘ ghostly aspect of things that only rare individuals may see , ’ which very much encapsulates Leonard 's work , too .
30 Individuals may see alcohol as an acceptable way out of their problems .
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