Example sentences of "[noun] at prices " in BNC.

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1 Companies must refinance £20 billion of warrants and bonds this year convertible into equities at prices way above today 's , nearly £50 billion next year and £24 billion in 1994 .
2 This has been a cause of intense resentment in some rural areas which has rebounded on those newcomers who have been able to afford to purchase their homes at prices beyond the reach of the locals .
3 Electronics millionaire Alan Sugar , who made a fortune selling hi-fis and computers at prices even the Japanese could not match , is planning to buy back his Amstrad company from investors .
4 The most recent development in anti-truancy technology is the Electronic Attendance Registration System ( EARS ) , produced by Bronton Computers at prices varying between £8,000 and £15,000 .
5 The Widget Databook , available now at $10 , includes access to six public domain widgets provided in source code form , but additional widgets , provided in binary form , can be accessed by obtaining the required access code from the Cambridge , Massachusetts-based Integrated Computer Solutions at prices between $200 to $3,000 .
6 According to the charge , they sold almost two million shares on behalf of clients at prices which realised £1,378,892 in excess of what would have been obtained had the shares been sold after the issuing of the profits warning .
7 They are said to have sold almost two million shares on behalf of clients at prices which realised £1,378,892 in excess of what would have been obtained had the shares been sold after the warning .
8 In this event the Bank only buys stock offered to it by marketmakers at prices slightly below those ruling in the market .
9 Mr Smith , who is also chairman of Fraserburgh Fish Merchants ' Association , said it was not just the French who were suffering from cheap fish imports — catches could be bought from eastern European boats in the North-east at prices which local fishermen say would put them out of business .
10 I note that the CIOSC reports were available from HMSO at prices between 3/ , ( 15p ) and 4/6d ( 22.5p ) — one does wonder if they are still available from some ‘ back number ’ store of ancient documents ?
11 Audi 's new 100 makes its showroom debut in May at prices no more than four to five per cent higher than the current range .
12 There seems little doubt that the prices of 1990 clarets asked in this year 's en primeur promotions will follow the same pattern as last year 's lot : 1989 wines on offer a year ago were reappearing in sales this January at prices up to 25 per cent lower .
13 Very often , Western copyright and patent holders are more interested in exporting a few products at high prices than in selling licences or granting permissions at prices that Third World countries can afford .
14 The company says that it has licensed the technology to several board and systems manufacturers , who will be announcing board-level products in the next few weeks at prices between $300 and $600 .
15 The competition between the various entrepreneurs will move them to offer to buy from the low-price sellers , at prices higher than these sellers had thought possible ; entrepreneurs in competition with one another will also sell to high-price buyers at prices lower than these buyers had thought possible .
16 As well as selling to Czech dealers at prices within 5% of West European levels , the firm also has a handful of dealers in Slovakia .
17 Instead of trying to compete head on with the likes of Our Price and HMV , he moved down-market , stocking cheaper CDs and tapes at prices starting at £2.99 .
18 Lotus have produced a rock effect waterfall in six different styles and in two rock-like colours at prices ranging from £19.95 to £44.95 .
19 Willing buyers and sellers should be able to transact business at prices that reflect supply and demand .
20 A particularly tight swarm hummed around Mme Andre Malraux , widow of France 's first Minister of Culture , admiring a group of what could politely be called doodles by her late husband at prices between £100 and £800 .
21 It believes the site would have produced fuel at prices that could have sustained jobs in local power stations , rather than forcing them to rely on imported coal .
22 The shares are redeemable , at the instigation of Dawson International PLC , in whole on or after 15th January 1994 at their issue price or in certain circumstances upon earlier revocation of the guarantee at prices declining from 105 per cent to 100 per cent thereof failing which they will be redeemed on 15th January 2004 .
23 These include whether we can produce grain at prices which match those of the Paris basin or the re-emerging countries of the former Eastern Bloc , once known as the bread basket of Europe : can we produce and process milk with the efficiency of the Danes who last year paid producers an average price of 25 pence a litre for milk against 21 pence in Britain ; can we match the Dutch when it comes to producing , and in particular processing pigmeat ; can any horticultural enterprise compete with Spain with its cheap labour and sunshine .
24 Shoes , clothing , furniture , toys , all were produced in increasing quantities at prices most people could afford .
25 Despite difficult market conditions we have been able to dispose of assets at varying stages of development at prices which compare favourably with those achieved for recent industry sales .
26 The mining industry knows that its long-term security comes only from selling its product to customers at prices they can afford .
27 Hewlett-Packard Co last week cut prices on its Vectra personal computers and servers by up to 22% and launched a series of bundled packages in its Precision Architecture 7100 RISC-based workstations and X-stations at prices starting at $3,500 per user .
28 THE ROBIN HOOD RATE Throughout 1992 , twenty of Nottinghamshire 's top hotels are offering bargain rates during weekends at prices that really are a steal !
29 A range of non-information utilities has also been announced for the launch of the DD-DR1 drive , published and marketed by HAL Kenkyujo at prices ranging from Y12,000 to Y18,000 .
30 Only the second ever show devoted to the artist , this one will feature forty works including two oils , drawings and large and small format watercolours at prices ranging from FFr4,500 to FFr25,000 .
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