Example sentences of "[noun] would see " in BNC.

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1 Apart from what Dora would see as a disaster for her friend , her own life-style could be on the line .
2 It means that this type of analysis lights upon a particular aspect of social life and social change ( and an aspect of life with which Chicagoans were immediately concerned in the 1920s ) without attending to what Castells or a structuralist Marxist would see as the principal underlying processes affecting people 's lives , especially economic processes and those related to the social relations of production .
3 Except for the little meanness about Claudine , his nasty trick of kissing her when he knew that Marie would see them .
4 ‘ I thought David would see the sign .
5 Oh , surely David would see she was right !
6 An external observer at rest who detects the flash at the moment that it reaches the roof would see it Doppler shifted to a lower frequency than observed in the source frame .
7 Ms Krutick predicted that as the single European market drew closer the travel industry would see an increase in business .
8 ‘ My major investment , ’ says Mr Chambers , ‘ was on stationery and presentation equipment , all of which the clients would see . ’
9 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
10 He felt safe now , because only his eyes would see the terrible changes in that beautiful face .
11 And she would marry him — Bull O'Malley would see to that .
12 Ken would see Andrew to his bus to Victoria where he 'd catch his train to Brighton .
13 He knew the Great Bear would see every word .
14 Under the kitchen floor they built a brick-lined store , so cleverly concealed that anyone lifting the floorboards in a random search would see only the earth beneath .
15 But Allied and neutral losses continued to mount so steeply that the Germans supposed a further five months would see Great Britain subdued .
16 A hundred feet would see me clear of the danger zone , and this distance I covered foot by foot , walking sideways with my face to the rocks and the rifle to my shoulder ; a strange mode of progress , had there been any to see it .
17 So the vote in Banbury was really in some ways quite surprising , but for those of us locally we were quietly confident that the parents would see the commonsense and logic of the argument and would not vote to opt out .
18 I failed to arrange any stereotypical symbol of masculinity in the porch where all visitors would see it instantly : a pair of size ten wellingtons , a cricket fixture list , a rifle perhaps .
19 I do nt think we should get too complacent as we may have a genuine bad run and things are pretty tight in the top 10 at the moment , but then again I did say after the Oldham match that 4 more wins on the trot would see us averaging 2 points a game , which is statistically Championship form .
20 This was not obvious to most people in the later nineteenth century , and the general effect of the Second Law was to encourage the gloomy belief that in time the universe would die the heat death of general tepidity : that the universe would see Victorians and their foreseeable descendants out , its death being many million years away , was little consolation to believers in progress , who saw it all stopping in the distant future .
21 I suspected the trip had to do with the company shutting down this section of the stageline ; Mr. Mendez would see Delgado about closing his station and take an inventory of company property .
22 They would be waiting for him at the train 's next scheduled stop , the guard would see to that .
23 Although a skeleton staff had been left behind to keep the houses dusted and secure and though there were more of us in the compound than the average Western home would see in a month , there was an air of loneliness , an awful stillness as though the heart had been removed from the body .
24 July 1919 , Lenin promised , would be the ‘ last difficult July ’ ; the following July would see the ‘ victory of the international Soviet republic and that victory will be complete and final ’ .
25 The first readers of this Gospel would see , in the story of the woman with the haemorrhage , an illustration of the fact that the time of salvation has arrived in the person of Jesus .
26 Corbett only hoped the Queen would see him soon .
27 When it was over , the owners turned towards the stands , talking animatedly about the result , and I contrived to be where Nell would see me , with any luck , making a small waving motion with my race-card .
28 She opened it upstairs , in her bedroom , where no one except Léonie would see .
29 I would have thought around about 15th place would see him happy enough .
30 The one organization which one would expect workers would see as being part of their own world ( one of the ‘ us ’ ) would be trade unions .
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