Example sentences of "[noun] rule out " in BNC.

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1 Experts ruled out equipment failure as a million-to-one chance .
2 But director general Sir Bryan Carsberg ruled out referring the investigation to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
3 Wright defence ruled out
4 The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak .
5 With neutral Hampden Park ruled out due to renovation work , Rangers manager Walter Smith and Celtic No.2 Joe Jordan were involved in the bizarre situation of having to toss a coin to determine the semi-final venue .
6 The East Hampshire Independent Progressive Association ruled out fielding a candidate to allow them to concentrate their resources on local elections .
7 Election ‘ 92 : MPs cut ruled out
8 The five affected ministers were believed to have expressed the desire to step down , but Chandra Shekhar ruled out their resignation , taking the strictly technical line that they could continue as ministers for six months without being members of parliament .
9 JD and the Left Front parties ruled out participation in a coalition , but agreed to support a Congress ( I ) minority government from outside on specific issues .
10 Neither of the main parties ruled out formation of a coalition ; no party in Israel had ever won the 61 seats necessary to secure a majority in the Knesset .
11 However , Queen 's will be struggling for a scrum-half with former Irish Schools ' skipper Kenton Hillman ruled out for two months because of a shoulder injury , while centre Gerry Ross is heading for Trinity .
12 Hopes of tomorrow 's talks on the ambulance dispute producing a settlement before Christmas faded when the management side ruled out any new offer .
13 The Interior Minister Enrique Krauss Rusque ruled out a blanket political amnesty , however , and stated that members of the group could be tried for past crimes .
14 Volcanic chlorine ruled out
15 This was partly due to the timescale involved ( the commitment to privatise during the Conservatives ' third term ruled out any complex break-up ) , but was also due to the problems involved with the nuclear industry .
16 An inquiry from Hilden Rec for a leasing arrangement at Glenmore has been turned down , and the Leisure and Allied Services Committee said the present demand for public pitches in the Borough ruled out any thoughts of a leasing arrangement .
17 BCCI aid ruled out
18 Tokyo investment boom ruled out as yen soars
19 Methods to rule out such concurrent illnesses and conditions must include cerebrospinal fluid examination and either brain imaging ( computed tomography or magnetic resonance ) or autopsy .
20 He claims that none of the release sites have been sufficiently far from the home loft to rule out the use of such cues , except in a few cases , such as trans-Atlantic displacement , and in these the evidence of homing is very weak .
21 None of these grounds of illegality rules out the possibility that exactly the same decision might be reached even if natural justice were complied with , or all relevant considerations were taken into account , or the authority were to ignore all undue fetters on its discretion .
22 City : L'Oreal rules out Nestle bid
23 Its critics claim that any assessment based on arbitrary demographic characteristics rules out a substantial number of people who would have been accepted on the basis of their individual performance , and is therefore unfair to them .
24 Members of three such generations have been discovered ; until recently there was no evidence from particle physics to rule out more .
25 Mr Lamont also used the news as an opportunity to rule out once again any more cuts in interest rates in the immediate future , saying the signs of spontaneous recovery confirm his judgement that he has done enough to bring the recession to an end .
26 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
27 Mersey Tunnels general manager John Gillard said the extent of the work ruled out partial closure .
28 Mersey Tunnels general manager John Gillard said the extent of the work ruled out partial closure .
29 New curbs on street drinking ruled out
30 On Dec. 29 an official inquiry report by a Sind High Court judge ruled out any political motive in the assault and cleared Marwat Khan of complicity in the alleged incident .
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