Example sentences of "[noun] account for " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , perhaps , gerontophiliac tendencies account for the disruption of an engagement or marriage through attraction of one partner to the parent of the other ; but marriages are broken far more often through infatuation with a third party of a partner 's own age group , while attraction to an in-law may equally denote a need for a surrogate mother or father irrespective of true gerontophilia .
3 Fish exports account for 90 per cent of the Faroe Islands ' export income .
4 Acute care operations account for 93 per cent of sales and 94 per cent of profits .
5 Malaysia , Thailand , Indonesia and Bolivia account for 70 per cent of world output .
6 The latissimus dorsi account for the very impressive ‘ V ’ shape of athletes and bodybuilders .
7 There may , after all , be something to be said for allowing the communes to retain their sales taxes , which at present account for about 60 per cent of their revenues .
8 Finally , these two characteristics of the artefact — its extreme visibility and its extreme invisibility — may also , through their relationship , in large measure account for our difficulty in appreciating the importance of material culture for social relations .
9 At least two reasons account for the latter .
10 At least two reasons account for this , besides general confidence .
11 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
12 For example , 50 individual stations in 15 states account for half of all power station emissions .
13 Telecoms operators account for 70 per cent of Ariane 's order books in 1989 , and French and European orders in early 1989 for 50 new Ariane 4 rockets strengthened Ariane 's position as the leading satellite launcher in the world .
14 In what follows the interpretative dimension will come alive only on the next layer of the problem , where we ask whether social rules and institutions account for the performance of social roles , or vice versa , In other words , we think international institutions too fragile to permit a fully systemic answer on the highest layer and so incomplete that an answer which favours the international units must yield to curiosity about how these units work .
15 The illustrative programme of additional expenditure from January 1993 , set out in Appendix 1 of The Future of Our Qualification , does include programmes ‘ to enhance firms ' profitability ’ and ‘ to help firms translate audit regulation into a profitable opportunity ’ , but these activities account for only £210,000 of the total additional expenditure of almost £2m .
16 Steel or ( as they are still called ) ‘ tin ’ cans account for about 10 billion of the 14 billion cans used in the UK every year .
17 Desulfovibrios account for approximately 66% of all colonic sulphate reducing bacteria , while Desulfobulbus spp. constitute about 16% .
18 The relatively modern professions of engineer and chauffeur or driver account for 7 and 6 respectively , while the skilled traditional trades so common among the bride 's fathers are here all down to single figures : 7 in wood , 7 in metal , 4 in building , 3 in plumbing and fitting .
19 Ethnic minority groups account for 3.9 per cent of the economically-active working age population in Britain and about 10 per cent in London .
20 Altogether , these groups account for about a quarter of all sales by Japanese firms .
21 Ethnic minority groups account for 5 per cent of the population , Indians , Pakistani , Bangladeshi and West Indians accounting for just 1 per cent each of the population overall ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
22 Clearly in simple population terms the older age groups account for a disproportionate amount of health care expenditure .
23 As figure 4.3 shows , in 1984 , 41.5 per cent of fulltime women workers were to be found in clerical employment , while a very few further occupational groups account for the rest of most women in paid work .
24 These two broad industrial groups account for rather less than half the total labour force but nearly two-thirds of the temporary labour force [ see Table 2.1 ] .
25 Mergers account for about half of the increase in industrial concentration in the UK .
26 Owner occupiers account for 23pc of households and the inclusion of work to their properties would have a beneficial effect on the overall scheme , members heard .
27 Duodenal varices account for one third of all ectopic variceal bleeding and usually occurs in adults .
28 Jejunal and ileal varices account for approximately one third of bleeding ectopic varices .
29 As defined by present mean sea level the continents account for 29 per cent of the Earth 's surface area and the oceans 71 per cent , but if the break of slope represented on the global hypsometric curve is used the figure for the continents is nearer 37 per cent .
30 Of this total , food and food related products account for 28 per cent .
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