Example sentences of "[noun] watch a " in BNC.

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1 One of the most often cited studies is that by E. F. Loftus and Burns ( 1982 ) in which 266 subjects watched a short film of a bank robbery .
2 In this study subjects watched a series of 15 slides showing a mother and 7-year-old son .
3 Here subjects watched a series of 12 slides , this time a mother and son visit the father at his work-place , the mother calls a cab and departs .
4 Subjects watched a further 30 films , again three exemplars of each of the 10 junctions .
5 Subjects watched a further 48 films , 24 of the films , the targets , were exactly the same pieces of film that had been shown in the judgment phase .
6 It 's not a crime to watch a rival soap .
7 The couple , on the last night of their four-day official tour of the country , were driven to Sejong Cultural Centre in an armoured stretched Cadillac to watch a performance of Delibe 's Coppelia by the Scottish Ballet , which is on a Far East tour .
8 But she had no concert , and no engagement socially , since she knew hardly anyone in London , the small hotel in Earls Court was not productive of amusing company , and the television was surrounded by a handful of determined fans watching a very boring boxing match .
9 Consider the predicament of native speakers watching a film with a bad soundtrack , or speaking to someone who talks indistinctly or in an unfamiliar dialect .
10 TOP model Imam , above , weeps as US senators and reporters in Washington watch a documentary she made of her hunger-torn homeland , Somalia .
11 Elisabeth watched a snake glide venomously across her path .
12 Sky TV 's broadcast put the whole incident in the public eye , even though Goulding was formally cited after the Disciplinary Committee watched a tape of the game last Thursday when dealing with two men sent off in that match .
13 Sweet-voiced children from the royal choir sang madrigals and , halfway through the meal , we were escorted by torchlight to watch a Latin comedy by Platus .
14 He looked out of the window to watch a rowing boat floundering by with novice crew .
15 It is obviously devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery , but Dorothy Einon points out that children learn how to give and take from such experiences .
16 In the Nineties , it goes without saying , it was another England — de-industrialized , post-industrial , an England whose representatives were , by and large , strangers to the dingy side-streets and the scurrying wind — who had gathered under a rotunda at the National Portrait Gallery to watch a portrait of one of the heroes of ‘ 66 and many people 's idea of the Greatest Living Englishman , Bobby Charlton , being unveiled .
17 Christian accompanied him once to Ireland to watch a new filly run , took one look through the field-glasses , announced he was already dying of boredom , and departed to look at paintings .
18 Attendance at a day centre where the parents and child attend together can be very valuable or the professional 's going to the parents ' home to watch a play session will enable sharing of the observations .
19 But that evening I settled down at home to watch a superb and delightful documentary on the giant otters of South America .
20 Just dial HOL 3434 , and you are put through to ‘ a very special weather expert watching a radar screen ’ .
21 IWAS looking at them uncomprehendingly ; they were eyeing me like a cat watches a captured mouse that might yet try to make a dash for freedom .
22 She stepped back , massaging her wrist and looking at Hrun in much the same way that a cat watches a mousehole .
23 But Royle warned : ‘ We have had Cambridge watched a couple of times and they are an honest , hard-working side .
24 Think of at least two different contexts in which the use of each of the following might become symbolic : a book a goblet a photograph a necklace a fob watch a dried flower .
25 Central defenders Chris Whyte and Gary Speed watched a through ball sail over their heads and Vladimir Jugovic nipped in as keeper John Lukic hesitated .
26 On one occasion , a group watched a prayer meeting held in Martyr 's Square in Tripoli : row upon row of men stood before long carpets spread on the tarmac and performed their prayers : it was an impressive sight .
27 Places to eat , places to drink , places to watch a show , places to put on a show , place to smoke or sniff or inject or otherwise absorb any of the various ecstatic drugs , places to find a partner or several , places to lose a partner , places to gamble , places to indulge you smallest whim no matter how illegal or depraved , places where if you wished you could simply stand and scream .
28 Jack was in his studio , and the two women had been in the drawing room watching a video-recording of Alison 's play about the ballet school .
29 Early one morning , in the merry month of May , I stood in this dining room watching a group of climbers from all over the world being introduced to The Great Tradition .
30 As soon as a post 's routine was established it would be attacked : Sergeant James and two sappers lay for two days watching a post before deciding that breakfast-time was the right moment for such an attack .
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