Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] called " in BNC.

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1 But the new ‘ consciousness of sin ’ as Beatrice Webb called it , still affected relatively few of the sinful classes .
2 In the afternoon Bathsheba called her workers together , and spoke to them in the old hall of the farmhouse .
3 The Alfonsín government elected in Argentina in late 1983 woúld probably also be included in this category , as would the recently elected ( 1984 ) administration in Uruguay ( president Julio Maria Sanguinetti called for expanded economic relations with the USSR shortly before his inauguration ) and the APRA government led by Alán Garcia in Peru which , since its election victory in May 1985 , has taken an active role in the Non-Aligned Movement , vying for the leadership and backing its challenge with moves to extend diplomatic recognition to the Palestine Liberation Organisation ; ( iii ) capitalist , ‘ liberal-bourgeois ’ governments that are oriented towards Washington , for example , Venezuela , Peru under Belaúnde , Colombia ( before 1982 ) , Costa Rica and Jamaica ; ( iv ) ‘ right-wing ’ , ‘ reactionary ’ military dictatorships generally not liked , but supported by the United States .
4 With no justification , Gervase Markham called angling ‘ the Sport and Recreation of God 's Saints ’ ; that was in 1614 , but already the act of delicate deception that remains central to the pastime had been used to illustrate both the wiles of Satan ( who baits his hooks with sin ) and the grim harvest of Death ( who swaps his scythe for float-tackle ) .
5 In response , the anarchist CNT called a nationwide general strike and started to form volunteer militias , as did the PSOE and the PCE .
6 ‘ Come along , my dear , ’ Miss Honey called back , and Matilda followed her up the path .
7 Environmental health officer Richard Hallows called on the public to report any rat sightings to the Pest Control Unit on .
8 In The Emperor 's Clothes ( 1953 ) Kathleen Nott called the Christian revivalism of Eliot , Lewis and others no better than a revived superstition ; and in a scathing attack on contemporary dogmatics and the anti-progressive views of literary Modernism she remarked , in tones of ultimate scorn , that Lewis 's interest in the Devil had plumbed unusual depths .
9 Last month , Andy Weatherall called Ocean Colour Scene offering to remix their debut single , ‘ Sway ’ .
10 On the Tuesday Ramsey called on his former best man Eric Abbott in London , who had urged him never to be a bishop in England .
11 At the meeting federation vice-chairman Richard Coyles called for 3,000 more beat bobbies throughout the country to prevent ‘ anarchy ’ in cities .
12 Miss Poraway called out behind her .
13 President André Kolingba called on May 18 for an end to strife in return for the promise of accelerated political reform .
14 Then you became the man whom André Breton called ‘ the most intelligent man of the twentieth century ’ .
15 In February 1974 , just a month after the executive took office , Edward Heath called a general election on the theme of ‘ who rules Britain ? ’ : the elected government or the striking miners .
16 And Miss Ross called for an inquiry into prison service procedures for issuing personal protection weapons .
17 Meanwhile he had written his Alessandro Filipepi called Sandro Botticelli : Painter of Florence ( 1908 ) , a book he himself designed throughout , allowing neither chapter divisions nor index , and printing only 240 copies .
18 Many years ago — back in the early '70s , I think — Burt Reynolds called up Warren Beatty and me and formed Marriage Anonymous on the theory that if any of the three of us got tempted to get married we 'd ring up the others and we 'd go round and make them drunk .
19 Binks Bullows made its first sale to a company in north-east England called Moorlight , which made fluorescent lamp fittings .
20 Later on in the meeting , Council member David Lindsay called for a full report on Training Outside Public Practice , following his discovery that 62 of the 77 students currently training under TOPP are employed by the National Audit Office .
21 Extensive records enable us to visit what André Malraux called a Musée imaginaire , in which the arts of many cultures and civilisations can be compared .
22 During the 12th plenum of the Albanian Worker 's Party ( AWP ) central committee on Nov. 6-7 , President Ramiz Alia called for changes to the country 's 1976 Constitution , including a redefinition of the leading role of the party and freedom for religious beliefs .
23 Tenaciously ASLEF called off its latest strike and BR claimed victory through ASLEF 's shouts of ‘ We won ! ’
24 Ivan Cooper called on the people of Derry to fight for their rights , ‘ as the Blacks in America were fighting ’ .
25 Ellen Wilkinson called him ‘ The Sheikh … not the nice kind man who rescues the girl at the point of torture but the one who hisses , ‘ At last … we meet ! ’ ’
26 For Steven Southall , who 's 77 , his wife Philippa , who 's 69 and their 1920 Rolls Royce called Wendy , it 's the challenge of a lifetime .
27 Born in India , Dr Kumar was Labour 's victor last November in the Langbaurgh by-election in East Cleveland ‘ the by-election of the century , ’ Dennis Skinner called it .
28 Robert Byrd ( West Virginia ) , the appropriations committee chairman , came under attack from Nunn because it allowed unauthorized " pork-barrel " programmes to be funded and because no money was given to restart production of the F-117 A fighter , a stealth aircraft Nunn called the " star " of the Gulf war .
29 ‘ Come in , ’ Miss D'Armande called , and Miss Ray came in .
30 When they do vote , they usually cast their votes on national issues : Neil Kinnock called for the June 1989 elections to be a judgement on Mrs Thatcher 's term in office .
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