Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] eye " in BNC.

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1 There are few worse irritants for eyes and hand cuts .
2 As Sister and Nurse Robins are swigging coffee with that drag Jones , I took him down the short cut through Eyes and shoved him into 15 .
3 Catching up , however badly , our recognition of the decisive tension between eye and ear .
7 Of light through eyes that can not meet again .
8 Of 145 prompts for eye tests by optometrists , 125 ( 86% ) were completed .
9 In practice this would n't work because the detectors would need impossibly precise information about the speed of eye movements and the phase lag between the central movement commands and the actual movement of the image .
10 May I extend the grateful thanks of Mr. and Mrs. Emery of Eye in my constituency , whom I visited this morning and who have just had their home insulated under the Government 's home energy efficiency scheme ?
11 It is perhaps worth recalling the images of eyes which persist in his poetry — and " Do n't look at me like that ! " is also Harry Monchensey 's cry in The Family Reunion .
12 Not content with his careful appraisal of eye , he produced from his rather torn and shabby coat , a small movie camera and proceeded to set up shot after shot of a narrow-gauge narrative .
13 Duck and juvenile have a pale patch on either side of eye on otherwise dark face .
14 Similarly , for spatial questions it was predicted that more correct responses would occur in association with eye movement to the left rather than the right .
15 She had turned slightly , staring coolly back at a young , dark-faced gallant , resplendent in red and white silks , who lounged in his seat with eyes for no one but Athelstan 's fair companion .
16 So if I was to say to you that you can take him to the Justices if that 's your pleasure - " He turned and fixed Sir Gregory with eyes that radiated hatred from beneath fiery brows — " I do n't think you 'd like that , would you ?
17 Use a stick or cream concealer under eyes to disguise dark circles , or try a touch of paler-toned foundation .
18 It sailed a sea painted sky-blue and there was even a figure with eyes and a mouth in a crow's-nest smaller than an acorn .
19 Oh looking at his mummy with eyes a shiny blue That bloody car of mine , hear the trouble I had ?
20 The custom of inserting cowrie shells into eye sockets is at least ten thousand years old , as shown by the numerous skulls with plastered faces having cowrie shells inserted in the eye sockets from Natufian levels at Jericho .
21 Duck mainly grey-brown , with slight crest , blue hindwing and wing-tips , narrow white ring round eye , black bill and dull yellow legs .
22 Bill yellow tipped red , legs short , black : vermilion orbital ring round eye .
23 I 've heard such a lot about the risks to eyes after infection with dog dirt and I 'm very worried .
24 Dark over eyes in a dream and the mouth gone …
25 AT FIRST sight it 's something of a puzzle how invertebrate animals without eyes measure daylength .
26 The simple introduction brought a light to eyes remarkably like her son 's .
27 Thus , despite the temporary appraisal by eye , the book is an octavo , not a quarto — a fact established by checking the signatures .
28 Most people , if asked to smooth the data by eye , would probably produce a curve similar to those in figures 9.3 or 9.4 , each of which has been derived using a well-defined arithmetic procedure described later in the chapter .
29 In most of the examples discussed in this chapter , the finished product is a smooth curve which resembles what we might have drawn if we had smoothed the raw data by eye ; looking from the smooth back to the rough we could usually see the trend in the raw data .
30 Bakan ( 1971 ) proposed that the direction of lateral eye gaze reflects activation of the hemisphere opposite the direction of eye movement , movement to the left , for example , indicating activation of the right hemisphere .
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