Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] light " in BNC.

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1 A presentational form such as a picture , on the other hand , has no natural divisions ; one could not take , for example , the division between light and shade as independently meaningful .
2 They relied on gas lamps for light .
3 money for light and they 've been having to keep her pension and like giving her so much at a time because it 's been going missing with all the money !
4 Louis Castel exploited the analogy between light and sound with his ‘ Ocular clavichord ’ and Goethe explored subjective colours .
5 This energy would be in a complete mixture of forms , from long radio waves through light to highly energetic X-rays .
6 There is an oscillation between light and darkness but no particular moment of time when day becomes night or night day ; as I walk across the landscape I may sometimes be on a hill top and sometimes in a valley bottom but at no point does the surface of the earth come to an end .
7 god sits in a spinning wheel of light .
8 And there the shadows massed , the crouching bears that might be anything , and through the high windows dropped the occluded violet-yellow dregs of light .
9 The only illumination was the oblong of light that spilled from the open doorway of the TARDIS .
10 And suddenly the oblong of light was inhabited .
11 Filling more than 200 storage boxes , the Tree prompt books and play scripts form the bulk of the Collection , but there are many other items of equal value which shed a great deal of light on Tree 's productions and give valuable insight into Victorian and Edwardian staging .
12 The Triton tubes are more expensive , but they provide a great deal of light for their size , they last a long time and they do not fade with age .
13 We have dealt at some length with these important , if abortive , proposals because they throw a great deal of light on the complexities surrounding the financial control and management of public sector higher education and because they have influenced the subsequent debate concerning the need for some form of central control .
14 ‘ Oh , my dear , I do n't need help at all , ’ she declared , ushering Theda inside a spacious saloon , its windows , open to the fresh air , letting in a good deal of light .
15 The library , which had not been in use since Sir John Merchiston 's death some seven years earlier , was a very pleasant room , positioned opposite the ballroom , between Araminta 's parlour and the big saloon , with panelled walls , quantities of shelving , an ivory inlay desk , leather chairs before the fireplace , and a good deal of light , even on this overcast day , coming in from a glazed door leading out into a pretty walled garden .
16 In Britain , archaeology has thrown a great deal of light on the Dark Ages : but British students , when they turn to the ninth-century Continent , are in for a disappointment , for relatively little has been done .
17 This realization has led to a great deal of debate and , although it can not be said that a general consensus has been reached on how best to define development , a good deal of light has been shed on the processes involved in different types of development .
18 Adams ( 1985b ) illustrates this kind of difficulty in showing how a subject with good vision in the right eye , but perception of light only in the left eye , could easily bump into a half-open door before realising it was there .
19 Jimmy returned with arms full of torches , switching each on and positioning them in the brackets of the huge copper boilers , or on the floor so that surreal fans of light were cast against the dirty plaster walls .
20 The white cat , presumably by direct contrast , was seen as a force of light against the darkness and was in this way converted into a symbol of good fortune .
21 There seems to be a ring of light round everything — It is still and sunny — so still you could hear a spider spin .
22 Secondly , it causes the lights to be surrounded by a ring of light , which I refer to as their halo .
23 Secondly , it causes the lights to be surrounded by a ring of light , which I refer to as their halo .
24 Darkness outside the hut , and beyond that darkness the ring of light from the arc lamps over the fence and the wire .
25 The circle then disappears wholly , and a glowing red ring of light within marks out the circle of the portal .
26 Over the map , empty in the ring of light .
27 Others wander slowly into the ring of light with a little more awareness .
28 It accelerates pencil-sized beams of electrons and their anti-matter equivalent , positrons , to near the speed of light in opposite directions around a 17-mile circular tunnel , roughly the length of London Underground 's Circle line .
29 For , as the speed of light rushed down upon her , she heard , in the untimeable pause between the upbeat of Fenna 's wings and their down swoop , she heard the singing of the spheres , the harmony of the universe which turns , turns , turns in the atom and in the infinite and is unmoved in its own movement and is all one single force .
30 Cold dark-matter particles move slowly — hot ones move at nearly the speed of light .
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