Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 Just as objects may come to symbolize time , so time is the context in which the symbolism of the object must be understood .
2 Finally , professional groups have distinct cultures , norms and values and these cultures may come into conflict .
3 Cinema may come more naturally to driven Americans , bustling Italians or even philosophically-minded Frenchmen but , when British filmmakers actually confront their national inhibitions , amazing things do happen .
4 The ability to learn such social skills may come slowly , but can in most cases be taught so that the child learns to behave in a socially acceptable fashion even though they may have limited academic ability .
5 So far , there has been no review of the way in which the British procedures operate and what the consequences are should a pupil be wrongly failed at a particular level which employers may come to accept as appropriate for some jobs .
6 A buyer may come to expect concessions from a seller in return for purchasing .
7 A discreet view of Hannah 's hiding place — the small field where she hopes Rosa the cow may come to visit
8 If you are a writer , the majority of your income may come from performances of your music either on the radio , the television or at live concerts .
9 In his newly exalted position , Jenkins may come to choose his words more carefully , but it was only the other day that he was saying ; ‘ There is no doubt we are poor ; it 's no good pretending we are not .
10 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
11 Decisions of the court upon the meanings of phrases used in Acts of Parliament may come , in the course of time , to give them the quality of terms of art which Parliament may well be assumed to have intended them to bring with them when used in subsequent legislation .
12 The market in the countries of the CU may come to be dominated by producers in one of them .
13 As representatives of the ranks of the great unfashionable made their way to their seats weighed down by crates of lager , it was clear , at the band 's first British appearance for seven years , that paunches may come and full heads of hair may go , but times do n't change .
14 Rather than establish a separate organization to administer the fund , it would probably be better to leave aid of that nature to the World Bank and bilateral and regional agreements , the more so since an issue like controlling carbon dioxide emissions may come to depend not so much on targets and dates agreed under a protocol to the climate convention as on the speed with which programmes to introduce cleaner forms of energy ( possibly including internationally supervised nuclear energy ) can be funded and implemented .
15 Some foreign shareholders may come forward too .
16 The most interesting developments in the law relating to qualified privilege may come as a result of Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights ( see p3 ) .
17 As speculation mounts that players in general — and those from the successful counties in particular — should be more generously compensated for the effort they put in there is a growing fear that the amateur ethos may come under threat .
18 This is where talk and plans may come apart .
19 However , it may be that for bipolar disorders there is an inherited deficit , while for milder disorders the deficit may come about in other ways ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
20 But this does not mean accepting whatever kind of Greater Germany may come into being .
21 The real worries about Germany may come after the 1990s , when Germany is not only whole , free and rich , but has also begun to sense its real power .
22 If I am lucky a red fire-boat may come storming up from its station on the Grand Canal .
23 Dulé found himself longing , this carnage , this bloodshed must come to an end , we must call a truce , make a new treaty .
24 The churches , slow to see that change must come , failed to take control of developments , which passed into the hands first of private enterprise , then of local authorities , under the general direction of Parliament .
25 Change must come and the need is urgent .
26 Two years into the SAS campaign , the Cornish surfers are as angry as ever and as adamant that change must come .
27 This committed tropical timber producing and consuming countries to ensuring that by 2000 all exports of tropical timber products should come from sustainably managed sources .
28 The dispute over control spills into the dispute about where the money should come from .
29 But the department spokesman said the money should come from a community care grant to local authorities for the mentally ill .
30 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency estimated that the programme would require US$4,640 million annually , although where this money should come from had not yet been finalized .
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