Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 Although working people are now more likely to be contributing to an occupational or personal pension , even in future years not all people will have been able to accumulate sufficient provision to support themselves in retirement — for example those people who have not worked for many years because they were unemployed or disabled or caring for relatives .
2 I jut hope to god Fashanu and John Scales sought themselves out .
3 All of us probably envy the ability of Imelda , Ivana , Diana and co to indulge themselves with a glorious shopping spree whenever the desire grips them .
4 You only have to read what women in emerging feminist groups and movements are writing , to see that these patterns repeat themselves time and again .
5 Nor does it seem to be the case that the notorious reluctance of the Masai to accommodate themselves to the modern world was to any significant extent the result of administrative protection from it .
6 When I inquired after the baptism he said he had been mistaken , it had been yesterday , but that there would be another in a few days and , anyway , who needed a baptism to enjoy themselves ?
7 Undertakings to be won from the lairds binding themselves to undertake nothing punitive against tenants seen at meetings . ’
8 In line with the preference for heuristic pedagogies associated with RBL and a child-centred progressive ideology , all the proposals concerned themselves with information-handling skills of one sort or another .
9 Strange said : " Athletes who are in the public eye have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner which can set a positive example .
10 As the Dutchwoman and I waited for the musicians to gather themselves up she commented on the sea symbols of fish and anchor in the nave .
11 Now if I were to suggest to you that in some gay bars the ‘ lads ’ pop off to the toilets that number of times to indulge themselves , then you might think I was repeating lurid propaganda put about by the puritan league .
12 But not , even after another fifteen years or so , culminating in the winter of discontent and in the fall of Mr Callaghan 's administration , experience enough to induce institutions and attitudes to accommodate themselves .
13 GREAT Portland Estates boss Richard Peskin is warning shareholders to brace themselves for a dividend cut next year .
14 If climbers hugged themselves in delight in the knowledge that they had the monopoly on daft , death-defying behaviour , their hearts must have sunk to see people above them launch themselves off cliffs , strapped to a parachute .
15 He was half turned towards her , and Maria saw him lift a hand and watched it move towards her , coming to rest against her bare midriff , warm fingers shaping themselves lightly to its gentle curve .
16 People within enterprises who are designated to engage in environmental scanning ( and similar ) activities do not of course restrict themselves to that part of the total external information resource that happens to be publicly available at a specific point in time .
17 All these meetings concerned themselves with the Spanish question .
18 In November 1989 a group of 3,500-4,000 Edjupci , Egyptians , requested that an ethnic category be formed in the next census to include themselves .
19 Eugenically-based metaphors lent themselves particularly well to this type of moralizing treatment .
20 While other girls with real mothers resisted all the attempts to gentrify themselves , Eve and Mother Francis studied books on etiquette and looked at magazines to see how nice people dressed , and to pick up any hints on behaviour .
21 In time , however , learners and trained staff welcome the opportunity to see themselves as others see them , and endeavour to improve their skills .
22 The royal ritual was closely associated with the history of Osiris , the divine prototype on whom the pharaohs modelled themselves by re-enacting his traditional deeds .
23 The MPIs too could benefit from closer contacts with universities : older members who have passed their first flush of creativity would have the opportunity to refresh themselves by teaching , at the same time attracting new young people .
24 Part of the critic 's task in the nineteenth century , as now , was to interpret art for the lay public ; but what , artists asked themselves , if we interpreted our own work ? from such a thought sprang statements of artistic aims and manifestos , some using the new device of naming a group with a progressive title , such as futurism .
25 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
26 Earlier Rangers had been thinking of survival rather than victory as for the third weekend in a row the Glasgow giants found themselves seriously threatened by a club from the bottom half of the table .
27 And teenage boys spend an hour sprucing themselves up in front of the mirror before hunting for a date , say market analysts Mintel .
28 At least three cases suggest themselves :
29 Thiercelin and Lefevre found themselves received at their billet with almost embarrassing cordiality , the householder , Herr Bauer , and his wife insisting upon catering for their every need , whilst regaling them with complaints of Hapsburg perfidy and the brutality of their Russian allies .
30 Unfortunately , the price of cattle fell from £5 a head to £1 a head shortly after this arrangement was made , and the Masai found themselves being asked to pay more and more for what seemed to them to be less and less — for some of the waterworks had already begun to fail .
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