Example sentences of "[pron] laid the " in BNC.

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1 Delighted , I laid the trout on the shingle and went in search of Blair .
2 I laid the sturdy Ministry of Defence plastic mug on the sand and then hopped round to the front of my tent to bring out my dirty washing .
3 ‘ Where were you when I laid the earth 's foundations ? … when all the stars of the morning were singing with joy and the sons of God in chorus were chanting praise ? ’
4 Once back in the ops room , I laid the boy flat on his back , so far down the mattress that his dropped foot hung over the edge at the bottom , just as I had seen the Australian nurse do when I watched her during her London visit the previous year .
5 Matthew ; ‘ Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth …
6 I laid the pencil on the blotter and sat back looking at her .
7 I laid the cut-up newspapers inside and got busy arranging the genuine notes on top of each pile .
8 I found a canvas bag in his wardrobe in which I laid the pages , handling them as though they were living and in pain .
9 This time , after I 'd hung up , I laid the phone down at an angle to the receiver tits so he 'd get an engaged tone if he tried again .
10 I laid the three !
11 In September 1948 , a committee , chosen by the assembly , drew up the Basic Law which laid the foundation of a constitution , the main legislative body ( Bundestag ) with nearly five hundred members elected every four years , and an upper house ( Bundesrat ) of forty-five members composed of representatives of the state government .
12 Armstrong was fully aware of the value of patents because he had previously earned huge royalties on earlier inventions which laid the foundations of modern radio technology .
13 It was with this in mind that a unanimous Parliament supported not a conspiracy of Tory landowners , but Attlee 's postwar Labour Government in passing the 1947 Agriculture Act , which laid the foundations for the great agricultural revolution of our times .
14 Nevertheless , several groups continued to work on nomenclature problems and one can point to the French Saint-Etienne meeting of 1897 , and the independent work of Hantzsch , Widman and von Baeyer , which laid the foundation of modern organic nomenclature .
15 Had it succeeded , we would have been enriched by those labours which he afterwards devoted to his native country and which laid the first regular foundation for the science of veterinary medicine in Europe .
16 Take , for example , the frontier role of American agriculture which laid the foundations for much of the country 's prosperity .
17 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ in the ‘ sixties and for the ‘ sixties was a success story and one which laid the foundation for interest and expertise in curriculum development not only in Mathematics but in other subjects as well .
18 The Bonn family financed the Bureau for a number of years and enabled it to recruit a small staff which laid the foundations for the development of the organisation into what it is to-day .
19 One important element can be traced to the evangelical revival of the late eighteenth century which laid the foundations of Victorian domesticity and challenged ruling-class immorality .
20 In 1849 he had bought a wire-rope business which laid the first permanent transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866 .
21 In this memoir he identified the arrivals of dilatational and distortional body waves ( P-waves and S-waves ) and of surface waves in seismic recordings , a finding which was further documented in a paper of 1900 and which laid the foundations for the instrumental study of earthquakes and of the Earth 's deep interior .
22 On 23 December 1648 he joined the committee for proceedings against the king , the first of the Commons committees which laid the groundwork for the king 's trial and execution .
23 Booth and Rowntree , in the late nineteenth century , carried out the first major surveys of income and consumption in London and York respectively , which laid the foundations for a style of social research which was , in the coming years , to play a major role in the formation of policy and social welfare legislation in the United Kingdom .
24 Ellen Solomon and Walter Bodmer first pointed out that the variation in human gene sequences represented a powerful new mapping tool , which laid the basis for studies that led to the human genome project ( in which the entire genome will be mapped , characterised functionally , and eventually sequenced ) .
25 The founding of the NHS was one of the key acts of the 1945 Attlee Government which laid the foundations of the postwar accord on the welfare state , full employment and the managed mixed economy .
26 The fiscal and institutional roots of stability might be traced back to the 1690s , with the financial revolution ( which meant that England 's ruling elite finally worked how to finance government effectively ) and the growth of bureaucracy ( which laid the foundations for firm executive control by the central government which emerged in the eighteenth century ) .
27 Er no when you laid the neeps that was yeuking the neeps .
28 One morning she laid the Prison Notebooks of Gramsci on his chest , not realizing that his addiction to paperbacks was n't entirely undiscriminating .
29 She laid the jewels out on the bed in the small atelier she was renting .
30 Reaching the middle of the field , she laid the nearside rein on the chestnut 's neck to tell him to go right .
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