Example sentences of "[pron] hopes for " in BNC.

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1 My hopes for Maastricht are twofold .
2 JACQUES DELORS , President of the European Commission , told West Germany that its hopes for reunification would best be served by working for a more federal Community , implying that this might one day embrace East Germany .
3 The Labour government under Harold Wilson , which had succeeded in ousting Edward Heath 's Conservative administration in 1974 , founded its hopes for economic recovery on the social contract — a document crafted by the TUC in June that year .
4 The ICI team pinned its hopes for the programme 's success on the untried gas-liquid reactions .
5 ‘ The Government is pinning its hopes for economic recovery on the housing market , so it would n't want to do anything that would snuff it out , ’ said Mike Simpson , Suffolk spokesman for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
6 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
7 1993 marks the start of an ambitious new preventative health care programme which aims to stem the spread of malaria and AIDS , and SIDT is pinning its hopes for a healthy future on the villagers , whose only option is preventative health care .
8 I 'm fit to be Prime Minister because I truly represent the people of this country — their hopes for economic success and social justice , and their aspirations , because I 'm from them .
9 Living solely by their hopes for what , in effect , will enhance their ‘ vital motion ’ , and fear of what will impede it , they exist in a state of perpetual fear , suspicion , and competition .
10 Sealink and P&O , with an estimated 80% share of the short-route ferry market , are pinning their hopes for the future on large capacity super-ferries and changes in manning procedures introduced after the last seamen 's strike .
11 One took the form of an ‘ open ’ letter to the NPC telling the representatives about their hopes for reform but their disappointment with the results .
12 Even if the ethos does permit them to check out how they are doing , it remains unlikely that it will encourage anything more than a superficial sharing of doubts about what they are doing : about the disparity between their hopes for teaching and the effects , or lack of them , that they and their colleagues seem to be achieving .
13 Their hopes for a reconciliation were especially high after the death of Catherine of Aragon in January 1536 and the execution of Anne Boleyn several months later .
14 Bantock and Holbrook seek no reorganization of the social structure , investing their hopes for greater happiness in the power of creativity and great art to bring self-awareness and fulfilment .
15 Here , two women talk about lessons learnt and their hopes for the future
16 Many , however , came to accept it in the context of their hopes for future labour success : capitalist bureaucracy was undesirable , but when labour came to dominate Parliament , the bureaucracy would act in sympathy with the needs and condition of the working class and would no longer be regarded as an alien intrusion .
17 The only way to do this was to allow students themselves to talk about why they chose to study their particular subject , their experience of studying it , and their hopes for the future .
18 They talked of their summer adventures , of their hopes for the future , but mostly of their own provenance .
19 It was the object of pilgrimage for the living and the dead , and the focus for their hopes for life beyond the grave .
20 We also profile views and insights from senior staff in schools and colleges on the impact of general SVQs on the vocational education scene , and on their hopes for future development .
21 In the second of her reports on Europe , Kim Barnes looks at the prospects for our farmers , and their hopes for a more secure future once the wrangling over Maastricht is over .
22 At times Kylie , who had already appeared on television by then , would talk of her hopes for fame .
23 Greer too , in her hopes for another , truer identity for women , assumes a founding subject , based perhaps on the ‘ body ’ from which The Female Eunuch itself begins .
24 When she did this , Ariel hugged her knees and rocked on the ground beside her , singing to herself charms against the spells of Sycorax : her antidote to the old woman 's venom , her hopes for a different life far away from the ferocious spirit of her crooked mother .
25 Her hopes for their return to the Lake District were finally realized ‘ home at Grasmere ’ , in the workaday setting of Dove Cottage ( 1799 ) , where they were soon joined by the Coleridges and Robert Southey [ q.v. ] and his wife from Keswick , and later by Thomas De Quincey [ q.v . ] .
26 Deborah works from a tiny office , alone except for one part-time secretary , and I wanted very much to talk about this tiny charity and her hopes for its growth .
27 She had n't told Julie about her hopes for a reconciliation with Ross — nor , of course , about the fact that they 'd made love to each other .
28 A Gloucestershire publican is pinning his hopes for moving on a part-exchange deal .
29 Just published last year were his evocative chapters called Le Genie du Nord ( Grasset , Paris ) , reflecting his preoccupation with the North , the fields of war , the detrimental effects of nationalism and his hopes for Europe , complemented by La Maye ( Trois Cailloux , Amiens ) , a 500 page semi-autobiography in poetry and prose written in a variety of styles and voices .
30 A man who wished to build a villa in Benghazi , but was frustrated by his expectation that , if he did , he would have no protection strong enough to prevent immediate expropriation , explained the collapse of his hopes for a more elegant and civilized life .
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