Example sentences of "[pron] helps [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Stage payments , small sums paid as the work progresses , is a normal practice , which helps prevent cash-flow problems for the builder , who must pay bills , wages etc .
2 Pond 's moisturisers help maintain and replenish your skin with natural ingredients such as glycerine , which helps prevent moisture loss and attracts extra water from the air .
3 It 's even being tested in Canada as an oil which helps prevent cancer .
4 It uses Tungsten Plug technology , which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible .
5 It uses Tungsten Plug technology , which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible .
6 Freedom of release pin movement and careful fitting of that cord extension which helps pull out the canopy will benefit from practice .
7 It is certainly helped by the fact that the spadefoot toad 's eggs are black , covered by a pigment called melanin which helps protect them from the sun 's rays ( the same pigment is responsible for tanning in human beings ) .
8 NIGEL GOULD has looked at one centre — currently under financial threat — which helps protect young delinquents from themselves .
9 Mr Annuar is from Kelantan , which helps explain why , at the tender age of 34 , he has the tricky task of preventing PAS from achieving its goals .
10 Measles is particularly sensitive to the nutritional status of the victim ; which helps explain its decline and also its marked social class gradient ; in 1931 mortality from measles in social class V was 20 times that of children in social class I. The fall in family size probably helped the decline of this and other childhood diseases ; fewer younger and vulnerable siblings would be infected at home by playground infections brought home by older children ( Gale 1959 ) .
11 Whether to use or repress helots , then , was one Spartan dilemma , which helps explain the vicissitudes of Spartan foreign policy .
12 The blood test for anaemia checks the level of haemoglobin , which helps carry oxygen through the blood .
13 Thus , one person 's project has to be translated into something of wider benefit around the organization — which helps ensure success because it has support .
14 The advantages for the conservation of the Broads are virtually silent operation , no pollution and a hull design which helps minimise bank erosion .
15 He emphasizes that the information which helps meet this need is useful to those in business organizations as well .
16 LORD Mayor Treloar College , Froyle , are to benefit from a battery powered device which helps relieve pain .
17 In this way , they tell us , there is a piece of each person in every home in the village — which helps bind the community together .
18 Perhaps it is not too late , by some sort of active ‘ tending ’ , to re-create the atmospheres of ancient sites by reintroducing plants which may once have been there , so that they can again contribute their specific fragrance , their own note which helps create the ethereal music of the place .
19 Conversely , on the materialist model it is much more homophobia itself , as an aspect of the construction of homosexuality and independently of the question of the actual subjective repression of desire , which helps secure a coerced identity and social organization ; homophobia enforces the heterosexual norm by policing its boundaries : ‘ Homophobia is only incidentally directed against homosexuals — its more common use is against the 49% of the population which is male …
20 CLWYD beef and sheep farmer Michael Pickering has been appointed chairman of the panel which helps advise Secretary of State for Wales David Hunt on agricultural issues in the Principality .
21 A fabulous package which helps organise those chaotic lists of ideas or prioritised jobs .
22 A community , which helps rehabilitate former drug addicts , has opened a new purpose-built unit .
23 Now comes the Bailies of Bennachie , the voluntary body which helps look after the hill , has almost topped an astonishing 4000 .
24 However , the strippings and restorations are recorded in dated pencilled notes on stocks or in butt-traps which helps recreate a gun 's personal history .
25 But , although increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables has numerous advantages and benefits — both are generally low in calories and rich in Vitamin C which helps keep colds at bay — it is possible to eat too much .
26 But such projects and a successful geothermal programme which now accounts for more than 10% of Kenya 's electricity will do little to reduce the oil dependence which helps keep Kenya and many other African countries caught in an energy trap .
27 The aluminium body is 12 per cent lighter than if built of steel , which helps keep fuel consumption down .
28 As the suppliers of a ‘ green ’ product , he uses recyclable packaging and gives an explanation of the term organic on the cartons which helps keep customers informed and hopefully helps to educate some of them too !
29 The £6.5m scheme is backed by a £1.4m Government City Grant , which helps keep the new homes at a price local people can hopefully afford .
30 Custody officers are specially trained to handle cautions , they follow a detailed grading system which helps determine whether a caution is suitable .
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