Example sentences of "[pron] picked up " in BNC.

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1 Someone picked up Gallagher 's jacket from the ground and handed it to him .
2 Then someone picked up and he heard a woman say a curt and cautious , ‘ Yes ’
3 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
4 ‘ From the moment I picked up this book to the moment I put it down , ’ wrote GM , ‘ I could n't stop laughing .
5 I picked up my coffee and savoured a sit-down in the canteen .
6 I picked up the Evening News from one of the street sellers and looked through its entertainment pages .
7 I picked up a book , but put it down again and began looking at a tiny red spider on the leaf of a geranium , ad lost count of time .
8 Preparations were being made to evacuate the farm as I picked up my rucksack , slung it over my shoulder , and joined the others outside on the road .
9 We called at Brigade H.Q where I picked up my bagpipes .
10 ‘ Must be getting back to Brigade H.Q , Sarge , ’ I remarked as I picked up my rifle and prepared to leave .
11 Not wishing to remain in this part of the farm one moment longer , I picked up my rifle and dashed back the war I had come , taking advantage of the cover offered by the farm buildings .
12 She slipped her arm through mine , I picked up my rifle from the corner near to the band , who were now packing up their instruments .
13 At this staging camp I picked up some mail .
14 I picked up my pack , slung it over my shoulder and crossed the little bridge over the burn .
15 Later I picked up a station from Orlando , WINS — I listened to a maudlin piece about the poor families of soldiers and pilots .
16 I picked up that silly , mincing girl from the Post Office .
17 At last , I picked up the directory and began to look for the telephone number of a solicitor .
18 I picked up Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals hoping for a quiet hour or two by the river while they were manoeuvring .
19 A few weeks ago I picked up a tray of plants from the greenhouse border and was delighted to see a baby toad sitting in a hallow in the soil .
20 I picked up the nearest coil and began to gather it up , but whereas in the summer heat the pipe had been soft and flexible , it now had the consistency of a steel cable and was like trying to lift a bedframe designed by Salvador Dali .
21 I picked up my plastic bag and walked noisily along the hall , banging the front door behind me .
22 I picked up a likely length and laid it in the boat .
23 I picked up the jar which was slippery on the outside from dripped paint and , screwing its lid on , dropped it with the brush into a plastic bag before stowing it again in my pouch .
24 ‘ But this is what really gets at me : when we started our run in , and I picked up the diaper , I found it was already stained .
25 Then I picked up a pebble and flung it out to sea ; it rose straight up into the air and landed on the ground a few yards behind me .
26 Because if I picked up that gun I would have to use it .
27 I picked up a handful of dirty snow and brushed the crust off the top .
28 I picked up my bag and went back into the cold street .
29 I picked up the box and shook it as the crumbs fell out on the pavement .
30 So was it very surprising that I picked up on the African presence moving around the island ?
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