Example sentences of "[pron] liked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For I liked — I was amazed , never yet having had time for or interest in such delights — I liked to be touched by him .
2 I was surprised to be able to stand and read as long as I liked without feeling a hand on my shoulder .
3 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
4 You may have thought I had thrown them away , or merely , forgotten about them , and I was entitled to do either , since you explicitly said I was to do exactly whit I liked with them , that you washed your hands of them completely .
5 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
6 Sunday was my day : I could do what I liked with it .
7 After a few hours of embroidery I was free ; free to cycle wherever I liked with my friends .
8 What I liked about her was that she charged less in the 6ds than she did in the 1/3s : she had a sliding scale .
9 That was one of the things I liked about him .
10 It is the things I liked about it at first , that made it immediate , that I do n't like now .
11 But there are so many different styles in Texas and I think that 's what I liked about growing up there ; you could just hear so much stuff . ’
12 What I liked about it was that though it was biting sarcasm , the way he spoke it gave you the impression not of a man who was bitter in any way , but of a man who pitied the members of the government for being so rotten and pitied us for being governed by such scum .
13 It was one of the things I liked about you . ’
14 What I liked about this letter was the phrase ‘ if you tell me that I have it ’ .
15 Benjamin listened — and that 's what I liked about my master , he never judged , he never condemned .
16 Stok was something no computer could deal with ; perhaps that 's what I liked about him .
17 That 's what I liked about Benjamin , always kind and considerate , and of course he need n't have advised old Shallot to stay out of danger !
18 I played outside , running around in a pair of shorts and — I imagine-quite happy to have the whole pregnancy thing going on because it gave me more freedom to do as I liked about the house and garden , free from my father 's supervision .
19 That is what I think I liked about her .
20 Yeah , what I like about , what I liked about them was that they were dead flat like , you know if you , imagine it a sweet the weight for a sweet were from say ten ounces to twenty kilos
21 ‘ What I liked in the books was the free open-air life , the spice of illegality and daring , roguish characters — the opportunities so far exceeding my own , the gun , the great pond , the country home , the apparently endless leisure — the glorious moments that one could always recapture by opening the Poacher — and the tinge of sadness here and there as in the picture of the old moucher perishing in his sleep by the lime kiln , and the heron flying over in the morning indifferent . ’
22 I recognized that what I liked in Dad and Charlie was their insistence on standing apart .
23 Well I think colour 's awful important so I liked in Marion 's an awful lot .
24 In no time he had calls from husky security officers who liked to be called ‘ Marcia ’ .
25 In striving for more respectable customers the exhibitors learnt that it was not just the most affluent who liked to be treated with dignity and style .
26 But though my spirits were high , the shadow of that man , who liked to be called the Ángel of Death , travelled with me , the memory of his good looks , his well-oiled virility , above all Iris Sunderby 's apparent infatuation , constantly there in my mind .
27 Lane accepted it without comment , although at another time he might have pressed for more of an answer ; he was n't a man who liked to be kept in the dark .
28 It was a marvellous programme to work for because you could do what you liked for it .
29 It was a marvellous programme to work for because you could do what you liked for it .
30 House music was taking over the galaxy , and this was an indication that you could do whatever the hell you liked with the genre .
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