Example sentences of "[pron] passed the " in BNC.

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1 It was here that Mr Adsett , one of Eva 's " shining people " , taught his class of talented youngsters , several of whom passed the scholarship exam .
2 As I passed the hall in a large comprehensive school , where notices proclaimed ‘ Quiet please : examination in progress ’ , the invigilator , a geography teacher , staggered out to engage me in slurred discussion of educational issues .
3 I had forgotten to bring anything to read with me , so I passed the time by staring thoughtfully at the emptiness around me , sipping a glass of water and making up Scandinavian riddles —
4 As I passed the bottom of Crag Woods a figure emerged from the undergrowth .
5 I passed the house on my way from Tibbetts , I saw the ambulance , a navy-blue one .
6 I did and I passed the exam ( which seemed very important at the time , although now I am not so sure ) .
7 Every time that I passed the spot , over the next year or two , I glanced quickly at the building , then scooted past .
8 As I passed the boy , who could not be more than 10 years of age , he said :
9 I have n't been into her bedroom though I saw some chair legs and a pair of shoes as I passed the half-open door .
10 As I passed the two of them a second security guard came out of the doorway , holding a fat canvas money-bag .
11 But , much to my surprise , I passed the ‘ Scholarship ’ , got my bike , and went to grammar school .
12 I passed the card round the breakfast table .
13 I mused on Toby 's story as I walked towards the clubhouse and so intent was I on my thoughts that I nearly knocked over Sally Drayton as I passed the PGA hut .
14 I was a better investment than my sister , because I passed the eleven-plus , went to grammar school , would get a good job ( university was later seen to offer the same arena of advantages ) , marry a man who would , as she said , buy " me a house , and you a house .
15 I passed the pack and she took a small gold lighter from her purse .
16 As I passed the bakery on my way home , Didier ran out of the shop to greet me and asked if he might accompany me .
17 Late one afternoon on my way to the kennels with the dogs ' bowls I passed the lighted kitchen window and stopped because I heard his voice .
18 A wild , stormy wind was blowing , and in the garden I passed the wreck of the great tree .
19 But I tended to do much better on tests and examinations than I did on coursework , so I passed the eleven-plus and got a free place at the local St. Albans school .
20 As I passed the palatial ship of Gharr the Gherpotean , I saw that it was shut up tight , with no sign of activity .
21 I passed the intervening hours in growing apprehension ; morning parade , the march through the darkness to breakfast .
22 As I passed the portals my feeling of doom increased .
23 As I passed the table with the remains of the old man 's meal I saw what seemed to be the only form of ornament in the cottage , a cracked vase holding a magnificent bouquet of carnations .
24 I passed the dish silently .
25 Yes , it was nice to be warned , and I passed the rope round the animal 's body in front of the udder and pulled it tight In a slip knot .
26 Every day I passed the weathered statue of Henry VI in the middle of School Yard .
27 I passed the information to the shore patrol .
28 Even with the bustle of oil activity , Scapa was a lonely place with an aura of sadness , forever haunted by its sad history of scuttled and torpedoed ships ; each time I passed the Royal Oak buoy on our way into Scapa Pier I was reminded of this history .
29 This afternoon , as I passed the square , I saw two dogs skewered together , back to back .
30 By the time I passed the old creche again it was getting darker and the insects were out .
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