Example sentences of "[pron] provide [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
2 However , this is to mistake not only the demanding nature of current practice but also the non-punitive knowledge , skills , and values which provide for its success .
3 According to the Limited Partnerships ( Unrestricted Size ) No 1 Regulations 1971 , which provide for limited partnerships in surveying and allied professions beyond the usual maximum of twenty members , not more than one quarter of the total number of partners can be limited partners .
4 Many men and women are employed under contracts of employment which provide for transfers over a wide area .
5 It provides the framework for an interpretation of action but the full story is only revealed by an examination of the rules which direct action and which provide for the interpretation of situations .
6 pay policies which provide for just rewards ( individual or team bonuses ) for outstanding effort , achievements and innovation ;
7 ( 1 ) Sections 45 to 50 of the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( which provide for payment of allowances to members of local authorities and other bodies ) shall apply with any necessary modifications to members of licensing boards as if the licensing boards were local authorities .
8 It is clear that the scheme needs to be administered so that it dovetails with and reinforces the benefits of other grant schemes which provide for hedge renovation and management .
9 stage 1 modules which provide for basic competences
10 stage 3 modules which provide for a wider range of opportunities for science specialisation .
11 There are indeed provisions within the Rome Treaty — specifically Articles 100 to 102 — which provide for the approximation of national laws .
12 –here property has been settled on terms which provide for one or more beneficiaries to become entitled to an interest in possession in it on or before a specified age which does not exceed twenty-five but meantime no such interest in possession subsists and the income so far as not applied for maintenance education or benefit of any beneficiary is to be accumulated , neither a payment made out of the property nor the arising to a beneficiary of an interest in possession in it is to be treated as a chargeable transfer .
13 Modules which provide for the development of basic competences in Sciences .
14 Moreover , the P cepacia problem has emerged at the same time as social networks have developed between adult patients with CF , and their families ; many individuals have derived great mutual benefit from these contacts , which provide for most of their social activity .
15 Section 6(1) of the UCTA gives rise to particular problems in the area of infringement of third party intellectual property rights , and in relation to clauses which attempt to exclude by blanket wording all warranties implied by the SGA , or which provide for exclusion of liability generally ( such as those excluding liability for economic loss or capping total liability under the contract by reference to a monetary amount ) .
16 Clauses which provide for the expert to be a firm or company are usually found in commercial applications of the type considered in Chapters 2 – 5 .
17 Part II — Orders in family proceedings This introduces four new orders known collectively as s8 orders which provide for different aspects of a child 's care and upbringing .
18 A supervision order will cease to have effect if certain steps are taken or orders made under s25(1) ( a ) or ( b ) of the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 which provide for the recognition and enforcement of foreign custody orders .
19 There are no general provisions which provide for the aggregation of investment income of an unmarried minor with that of his parents .
20 ( iii ) Limitation of liability.It has been said that the courts tend to view clauses which limit liability more favourably than those which provide for a total exclusion .
21 These include the different rates of production for speech , and writing , the degree of standardisation in writing as opposed to speech and the absence in writing of intonational features that can only be compensated for by sentence patterns which provide to a degree the emphases more readily available in speech .
22 It is very often the intangible and indeterminate savings which provide to be of major significance .
23 Unlike many other organisations , the Church usually gets much more than it pays for , thanks to the generosity of those who provide for its music .
24 nor should you seek to do derive a profit from the services that you provide to , I do n't know , public bodies .
25 If you are a parent it is almost certain that your increased awareness of the value of dietary fibre will start to influence the foods you provide for the family — and thus their habits and preferences in the future .
26 ‘ Measure the service you provide against what you would like in similar circumstances . ’
27 And Hill adds : ‘ This time next year , fans will come to expect the sort of entertainment we provide at every match .
28 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
29 All the free services we provide with The Barclays Bank Account plus a list of services we charge for can be found on the following pages .
30 We have arranged a policy suitable for the watersports we provide with certain Underwriters at Lloyds through T.L. Ireland & Co .
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