Example sentences of "[pron] wants to " in BNC.

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1 Eviction , harassment , bills for disrepair : the words are well known , but no-one wants to be faced with the reality .
2 58% of subjects believed that people with TB should be quarantined , and 63% perceived TB as a severe social stigma , endorsing the item ‘ if you have TB no-one wants to be around you , even people you thought were your friends ’ .
3 That 's why everyone wants to be The Waterboys and nobody wants to be The Virgin Prunes .
4 Everyone wants to be healthy .
5 Alexander said that everyone wants to be right but no one stops to think whether their idea of right is in fact right .
6 Nigeria 's mass media are a vital part of the new democracy : everyone wants to be heard , each party wants a platform and each government wants a mouthpiece .
7 Everyone wants to be near her .
8 Most of the smaller bands put out seven-inch singles themselves , whereas here everyone wants to be the next big thing and I hate all that . ’
9 But it has only been half successful because everyone wants to be able to go everywhere .
10 Everyone wants to be able to design and create something with an individual touch , whether it 's an outfit to wear or soft furnishings for the home .
11 Reflecting business experience , not everyone wants to be involved , he finds .
12 Everyone wants to be somebody here and , once they are , they usually want to be somebody else .
13 What is to be understood as happening is perhaps that , given that someone wants to be Christian , she as a feminist will look for what female representation there may be in the religion , whether or not this is fully satisfactory .
14 I do n't know why we 're different except that someone wants to makes some trouble .
15 But since nobody wants to be a cop in Poland these days — the pay stinks , and the people hate you — those occasions are few .
16 That 's why everyone wants to be The Waterboys and nobody wants to be The Virgin Prunes .
17 Charities have little money to spend on fees , so nobody wants to be seen looking after them .
18 No wonder nobody wants to be one .
19 Nobody wants to be raped , but some people have fantasies about it .
20 Well maybe nobody wants to .
21 Nobody wants to .
22 This , among other factors , points to the conclusion that Adorno 's theory of standardization , which wants to be a total theory , is in fact strictly limited in its applicability .
23 A MERSEYSIDE council has announced improvement and consolidation plans for a school which wants to opt-out of its control .
24 And I think that would have been the the classic situation where we would We 've got a procedure now for dealing with it and I think this covers all and I unless somebody wants to further debate the matter I 'll er I will propose that we adopt these the financial regulations for the er Tyneside Film Theatre Limited .
25 ‘ Perhaps you were the sun for your little dragon ; and now she is strong enough , she wants to be free . ’
26 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
27 What I ca n't understand is who she thanks when she wants to be thankful , for example when her son was born .
28 ‘ Madonna can be as big an actress as she wants to be , ’ says Ed O'Ross .
29 Monie gets tough when she wants to — she has to , living in New York .
30 One , a punk , talked about the village in Wales where she lives and how difficult it is to be different , so that dyeing her hair blue becomes an extremely powerful statement about herself , saying all the things she wants to about her rejection of the values of the people in her village .
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