Example sentences of "[pron] to know the " in BNC.

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1 No I just did it for a laugh cos I want , I want everyone to know the most interesting language in the world which is part of my language is n't it ?
2 What ancestral thing in me prompted me to know the cry of wolves ?
3 A sentence such as ( 8 ) below could refer to the past ( How could you have expected me to know the answers to those questions which you asked me last week ? ) , the present ( Why are you asking me ?
4 But this was an eastern European car so they did n't expect me to know the make .
5 For younger children , for example , I would do ‘ Sing a song of sixpence ’ correctly to get them to know the words , and then sing .
6 ‘ How was I to know the goddamn file was that confidential ? ’ she raged .
7 ‘ How was I to know the chimney would be blocked or whatever it is that 's wrong with the thing ?
8 It has been granted to you to know the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven ; but to those others it has not been granted …
9 For example , by the end of this week I shall expect every one of you to know the two-times table by heart .
10 It 's important for you to know the ways in which Martin Ayling tried to save the paper and to protect its future if he had to sell . ’
11 ‘ I want you to know the truth , Claudia — that 's why I 've come , even if it means breaking … ’
12 ‘ If it 's so trivial , then there 's no need for you to know the answer . ’
13 He was the only one to know the whole story .
14 This clearly allows the bilingual audience — and one 's knowledge of a language does not have to be particularly broad for one to know the rude words — to appreciate a pun that tells us much of the character of the fabliau : the essential place of the con in the conte .
15 He wanted her to know the difference .
16 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
17 And it did n't help him to know the scholars found it equally obscure .
18 And , she would like him to know the Morals Committee had just succeeded in having D.H .
19 Suddenly she desperately wanted him to know the truth .
20 I read it to know the enemy .
21 Whereas comedy can enable us to know the world better , stories of mystery and horror insist on all we can not know and therefore increase our fear of a disordered , malefic universe .
22 The Spirit enables us to know the Master , to sense his will , to grasp his mind and to see things his way .
23 Lord Jesus , thank you for a nice sleep , thank you for another day , please help us to do the kind of things that you want us to do , prayer for Christopher to behave at school , help him to do his best and for daddy at work , for Tim and I as we stay at home , help us to know the kind of things we do and this afternoon when grandma comes we 'll spare the time for her as well , Amen .
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