Example sentences of "[pron] kept on " in BNC.

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1 Even when all sign of life had gone I kept on feeling itchy .
2 I kept on listening to the show .
3 I knew no other way to learn technique , so I kept on trying to do what she told me , hoping for the best , hoping that my true voice would appear around the corner .
4 As it stood , it consisted of a multi-volume jumble of vers libre , written over many years , some in the form of letters , especially to her mother — ‘ if I sent her a letter she sent me some money — so I kept on writing ’ — listing the men she 'd known .
5 I kept on taking shots anyway so as not to lose face . ’
6 I was interested in the waves of immigration into Britain both pre-historically and later , and I kept on looking for proposals which would represent this both in multi-cultural and archaeological terms .
7 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
8 I kept on waking up in a panic , thinking I had missed an observation , and it took quite some while to get my internal clock re-adjusted to normal waking and sleeping hours .
9 He was that pathetic and undernourished I kept on having to stop and let him catch me up .
10 I kept on saying , ‘ I want to tell you something . ’
11 When I first started to smoke a cigarette , I felt ill but I kept on because everyone else was doing it , but with sniffing glue when I first tried it I enjoyed it , it 's something I did enjoy , that 's the reason I started anyway . ’
12 The truth is that I kept on having mental lapses , during which I could hear every word that was being spoken , understand the meaning of each word and even of some phrases , but could n't make these disparate utterances add up to anything that made sense .
13 I kept on dialling — firms within a reasonable distance , but none was prepared to do business with me .
14 ‘ But I kept on fighting like Frankie told me .
15 I used to love riding , but I went over a jump seven years ago and the horse stopped , but I kept on going , and I fractured my back , so I thought , I 'm too old for that .
16 I could prove my point much better if I kept on , I 'm determined , so I kept on .
17 I could prove my point much better if I kept on , I 'm determined , so I kept on .
18 I kept on at the council , but it was n't easy to get a council flat in those days .
19 You should have seen the butter he put on his toast in the mornings , I kept on at him but you know what he was like , he would n't be told .
20 I kept on down to the river and stood for a while to watch the coal-barges slide along the black , shiny water .
21 Stupidly , I kept on hoping , day after day .
22 Then I was put on some sort of medication to help me calm down because I kept on getting knotted up , getting uptight .
23 That night I kept on and on — bang , bang , bang .
24 I was tired but I kept on doing it and doing it ; they asked me to stop but I would n't .
25 And because I kept on asking , my dad started getting a bit funny .
26 ( I kept on remembering Penny Lester 's grisly dormitory stories about how her mother survived being raped by the Japanese , I kept on saying , do n't resist , do n't resist .
27 ( I kept on remembering Penny Lester 's grisly dormitory stories about how her mother survived being raped by the Japanese , I kept on saying , do n't resist , do n't resist .
28 I kept on popping questions , he would n't answer , all he could do was look as if I had no right to ask .
29 I kept on thinking , he did n't really mean me to come round .
30 But I kept on thinking , he took me to the concert , and he came back here to her .
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