Example sentences of "[pron] head the " in BNC.

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1 I had been down in my pantry working through the supplies sheets , when I had heard somewhere above my head the unmistakable sounds of motor cars pulling up in the courtyard .
2 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
3 and loose upon my head the rains
4 I can feel behind my head the haze of reddish hair going away in the opposite direction .
5 As Mark began to reply , she said the first name with him , nodding her head the while .
6 While in her head the urgent sounds of the traffic had become a strangely muted cacophony , shutting her into a world of sudden deafness .
7 Her arms ached , but it gave her time to turn over in her head the encounter which had marked the day , and decide whether she wanted to share it with Marlin or not .
8 As she was pulling her tee-shirt over her head the door opened .
9 Blot ( Miranda had missed a beat as she translated back in her head the French phrase ‘ sucer ma queue ’ , which M. Apéritif and others of her circle had not used — in conversation .
10 And inside her head the words she longed to speak hammered at her brain .
11 He saw her raise her arm to touch the corner of her mouth with her handkerchief , and when she turned her head the features were blurred like a lump of clay when the wet cloth is removed .
12 Shaking her head the old woman proffered a calloused palm , into which he deposited a shilling . ’
13 Despite that reassurance , all she could do was toss and turn all night and run over in her head the insulting things Marc Alexander Vila had said to her .
14 When I reach its head the man in charge goes away to conduct a transaction involving cardboard boxes .
15 Such a view begins to turn on its head the old assumption that individualism is the sine qua non of progressive education .
16 Entertainment seems historically rather than essentially debased , and what emerges is a recognition of the historical possibility of popular entertainment as an autonomous art which might turn on its head the seriousness of official , rational discourse .
17 She refers , in particular , to radical feminists who turn on its head the criticism that women are more emotional than men , and claim that not only are women more emotional , but that this is their strength , and that in comparison , men are enfeebled , deadened and impoverished creatures .
18 Thus it was that the idea of pictures as mere contributions to the decor was happily turned on its head the minute this visitor entered the darkened room and was greeted by a series of large colour photos of what could be described as ‘ Still-life with Penis ’ .
19 I am afraid that the Government do not have straight in their head the idea that the public will be determined , through a different Government , to obtain proper redress for their complaints against excessive prices or dirty little ideas such as the 0898 service , which was introduced six years ago after the privatisation of British Telecom .
20 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
21 No one can hope to retain in his head the mass of detailed knowledge needed throughout the farming year .
22 On his head the twilight rained down like something palpable , as the ancient biblical ritual took place before him .
23 Crossing the hospital courtyard which divided the maternity wing from the general wards and administration building , hearing over and over in his head the words they had gently but coldly told him , the announcement of his son 's death , leaving Lili asleep , carefully sedated , he had lifted his eyes and seen Rufus Fletcher .
24 Mr Wormwood did n't want to be scalped so he had to keep the hat on his head the whole day long , even when putting sawdust in gear-boxes and fiddling the mileages of cars with his electric drill .
25 The singer was crap , but he could handle the singer , just switch that amplified voice off in his head , just as he could shake out of his head the recoil thud of the Ruger on semi-automatic …
26 This time the iridescence , when it came , was almost bright , and fixed in his head the magic of her crotch , his fingers sliding over and between her labia .
27 The experienced practitioner carries in his head the names of the best works on the subjects with which he usually deals , and the sooner the student gets to know some of them the better .
28 On another occasion , Civizade , while a muderris , contrived to bring down on his head the wrath of Kemalpasazade , then Mufti .
29 There are small twigs digging into her back , she is angry , pushes against him , but he pays no attention , carries on , his hands exploring , he is smiling down at her and when he lowers his head the water from his hair seeps into her mouth so that she tastes the lake , the fish smell of deep water , sees the sun brilliant through the branches behind his head , blinding her eyes , sun specks floating , she closes them as he moves against her .
30 Behind his head the lights of the lorry were flashing as it bumped over the hard ridges of ice .
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