Example sentences of "[pron] computer [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before this , the fortunes of the various strategies rose and fell , just as in my computer simulation of the Cheats , Suckers , and Grudgers .
2 Now I 'm gon na go and get my computer mag !
3 I 've left my computer programme going , God knows what it 's gon na do I 've only got half an hour to finish it !
4 This arrangement continued for eight years , and enabled me not only to work on several books , but also to continue with my computer research .
5 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
6 Their computer system is very poor .
7 If a centre wants to find out about compatibility of their computer system and SCOTVEC 's or wants information on specifications to set up a system , contact myself or my colleague Fraser MacFarlane .
8 His firm took advice form consultants at the University of Strathclyde before buying their computer system , to ensure minimal redundancy and the potential for infinite future expansion .
9 For the poll tax the Government gave councils 18 months to get their computer software in order , but the councils were unable to do so because they did not have the resources and the rules and complexities kept changing .
10 Readers wishing to run the SYMAP program on their local computer system will need to supply different Job Control instructions unless their computer centre is equipped with an ICL computer running under the VME operating system .
11 To participate , send the child 's name , address , age and preferred language to ACA Inc , 85780 Cinderbed Rd , Suite 1900 , POB 1190 , Newington , Virginia 22122–1190 , USA , and they will use their computer database to find a match .
12 As well as being a legal requirement , it is also in the registered owner 's interests to ensure that the information held on the UK Register by the CAA is accurate , as the addresses held on their computer database are used for the distribution of Emergency Airworthiness Directives and other safety-related material .
13 Now the NASA experts have recorded an average cooling of 0.2C already and their computer model predicts that will increase to 0.5C by the end of the year .
14 He has also helped Spears , the makers of Scrabble , in compiling their 15O , OOO word long Official Scrabble Word List , and in choosing which computer version of the game to endorse .
15 James said that some copies will be at this week 's Which Computer Show in Birmingham .
17 In the UK , the Reed Exhibition Co Ltd has cancelled one of its biggest events , the PC-oriented Which Computer Show , which was to have taken place at the NEC , Birmingham this April .
18 And this is something which computer analysis of a corpus can not of course determine .
19 Various studies have been conducted in order to assess the extent to which computer analysis of text can contribute to the generation of a practical classification scheme .
20 So Travis stayed the night on their couch , with the only bonus for him being that , bleary-eyed and hung-over the next morning , he had a chance to have a brief word with Rosemary before she went to her computer programmer 's job .
21 Mrs Vince and her computer analyst husband , from Grimsby , Humberside , have visited their babies in the neonatal unit .
22 She confirmed the tape recorder was working and examined her computer terminal for instructions .
23 Vehicle information organisation HPI , which has opened its computer register containing details of four million cars , says its switchboard has been swamped after it launched a pilot scheme in the region last month .
24 It set up its computer division in 1984 , as soon as it was allowed to .
25 Analysts reckon AT&T has invested $2 billion in its computer division since its birth , and that it is still losing $200m a year .
26 The Hungarian Central Statistics Office , has upgraded its computer centre signing an $11.5m deal with Hewlett-Packard Co to replace its IBM Corp 4381 mainframe with Unix kit .
27 Last year , Sony Corp bought a licence to Apple Computer Inc 's AppleTalk network so that Macs could be networked with its News Unix workstations , and it has now taken the logical next step and its computer subsidiary will market Macs for attaching to networks of Sony workstations in Japan , with much of the business to be directed at use within the Sony group companies .
28 ‘ OUP has spent considerably more than £100,000 adapting its computer system to cope with the new requirements .
29 But when BT introduced its computer service , it also brought in a charge of 43p per inquiry and , as a matter of policy , would not give addresses .
30 The product development venture , SunSolutions , a new moon circling Sun Technology Enterprises , last week debuted its first product , ShowMe , its computer conference software : based on Open Look , it says it can be deployed for on-line meetings and collaborating on compound documents in real-time over a TCP/IP net work .
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