Example sentences of "[pron] put the " in BNC.

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1 I put the poisoned cherry there , I admit that .
2 I put the receiver down and rested my head against the back of the kiosk .
3 I put the phone down with a frown , grabbed my books , bag and coat , raced through the door and down the street and reached the bus stop breathless .
4 I put the remains of our dinner on the window ledge to attract them , and when one of them alighted near me I called to it , ‘ Taste this couscous , steamed and mixed with oil , English pigeon , and tell me if it 's nice . ’
5 I put the piece of meat back into the mess tin .
6 I put the brush on the side and carry on smoothing her hair with just my hands .
7 Gus Dudgeon , who I used on some earlier Deram sessions , said he 'd like to work with David , so here was his chance and I put the two of them together . ’
8 I would get mad when I put the phone down and cry a lot , but certainly I would n't get mad with her . ’
9 I put the cup on the little table by the bed .
10 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
11 — So I put the phone back down again .
12 I put the pressure-cooker back and went to bed on the sofa .
13 ‘ You wo n't like it , it 's spaghetti , ’ I told him as I put the pot on the table and went to fetch the tomato sauce .
14 I put the fear of the Goddess into her .
15 I put the phone into its cradle , extremely gently .
16 When I put the mop on my head , I did n't want dreadlocks , I wanted blonde hair like Sindy 's .
17 Incidentally , when I put the problem to Oftel , it was ignored .
18 As I put the question again in 1974 , ‘ Why is Man so restless and so divided an animal ?
19 Later , sitting weakly on a disquietingly depopulated sun deck as we drift downriver towards Edfu , I put the worries of tropical viruses aside and watch the river banks roll lazily by , parallel fringes of lush greenery backed abruptly by the yellow hills of the desert .
20 I put the dishes inside the tent and was half-way to following them when Mick asked , ‘ Want some spaghetti bolognese , Geoff ? ’
21 When I put the staff between the denim cap and the wind , the turbulence vibrated the peak with the noise of a bassoon .
22 A youth came into the office , and I put the form before him to sign .
23 Many countries and areas have no system of case reporting , and this is why , at the beginning of this article , I put the probable total at 150 million cases occurring annually .
24 I put the basket on the counter and held onto it to keep it from banging into the shopping of the woman in front .
25 And when I went out I put the calf inside with its basket and rug .
26 I put the puppy inside , closing the doors , and sat down on the roof .
27 Into the first I put the rich young owner 's suit , cashmere pullover and showy shirts and into the second the new younger-looking clothes for off-duty Tommy , jeans , sweatshirts , woolly hat and trainers .
28 I put the can and a glass on one of the small trays ( Emil 's voice in my ear saying , ‘ Never ever carry the object .
29 I put the mink coat on a chair and retraced my journey , locking the door again and eventually returning the key to Mercer who nodded without speech and put it in his pocket .
30 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
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