Example sentences of "[pron] comes to " in BNC.

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1 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough .
2 I 'm er ve very strongly against smoking and if someone comes to my house and asks if they can smoke , I do say no , and I ask them if they wish to smoke if they would go outside .
3 I still get the louder gusts of laughter and the odd thump and clunk , but the mike will tell me when someone comes to the door .
4 Someone comes to the hotel lobby entrance , looks around the car park and disappears back in .
5 Bournonville 's Napoli is an absolute feast of Italian styled demi-caractère dance which comes to a superb conclusion during the wedding celebration of the hero and heroine .
6 One of their advantages is that they are an early potato which comes to maturity in autumn .
7 He may overcome the illness altogether but , even if this is not the case , he will certainly be able to make the most of his life and develop that special peace of mind which comes to those who are aware that they are doing all that they can to control the direction of their evolvement .
8 If you are employed under a fixed-term contract which comes to an end and is not renewed , you may be redundant .
9 One example which comes to mind is Bransby Williams , who emulated the performances of Charles Dickens and Sir Henry Irving throughout the first half of this century .
10 PS We later hear how my daughter , bridge hopping bare-footed , gets on a Tube train which comes to a halt over the river just as we paddle beneath .
11 Biggin Hill International Air Far on 20–21 June will be commemorating the Royal Air Force 's 75-year association with the station , which comes to an end with the removal of the Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre to RAF Cranwell .
12 Most editors have become disillusioned with material which comes to them from PR sources .
13 And since the water authorities are enforcement agencies they also control to a very great degree what may seem to be some sort of ‘ real level ’ of pollution which comes to light in amount and kind — those events or incidents which are detected and processed , becoming statistics of non-compliance or even , in some rare cases , of prosecutions in annual reports .
14 Where outsiders , not under agency control , respond to rule-breaking which comes to light by reporting it to the enforcement agency , investigative and enforcement work is initiated reactively .
15 But once the jury had asked , in their innocence , to hear them , it seems obvious that the parties should be present when the tape is played , so that any material which comes to light and is thought worthy of comment can be dealt with .
16 So here we have the genesis of the doctrine of ‘ driver 's preference ’ which comes to full fruition in the judgment of Bingham L.J .
17 And I believe er , at this meeting it was revealed that Scottish Homes had received a tender from the West Lothian District Council for this work over a period of ten years for a figure which comes to four hundred thousand pound which , apparently , was the cheapest tender !
18 Eight over six which comes to ?
19 Which comes to , so one over the resistance is that so the resistance is turn it upside down , a hundred over three .
20 ‘ We have less then six months to answer these and other questions which comes to the biggest and potentially most rewarding challenge of all the process of technology transfer to Pemex , ’ says Hopwood .
21 Not exactly impressing with all the chances which comes to you in the english league ’ frank says .
22 The federal commissioner for electricity has announced that the dam will not be built during the present Administration , which comes to an end in late 1994 , although he left open the possibility of the project being revived after that date .
23 This difference can be relevant in the calculation of Target 's profits attributable to the notional accounting period which comes to an end for group relief purposes when the buy-out occurs , which in turn will be relevant in calculating the amount of Target 's profits against which other members of the vendor group can surrender group relief .
24 Twelve divided by , oops , okay , we do something like erm three times four , which comes to ?
25 So it 's six hundred , plus about half , which comes to a about nine hundred , should come to a bit less than nine hundred , and it does , so that 's almost certainly
26 Two hundred and fifty five , and if we did it to he 's absolutely right , erm then this one should have given his bearing as two fifty three minus seventy , which comes to , what does that come to ?
27 ANGLING 'S most colourful match star Jan Porter , of Nottingham , is touring the country with a brand new angling road show , which comes to Middlesbrough Town Hall Crypt next Thursday ( 7.30 to 11pm ) .
28 The show which comes to Darlington Arts Centre on Thursday is playing to sell- out audiences on its national tour and getting good reviews into the bargain .
29 The Northern Ballet Theatre 's production which comes to Darlington next month was criticised by a Mail on Sunday reviewer who said it was more like soft porn than ballet .
30 The budget figure is what 's been agreed with and it 's a straightforward month by month , seasonally adjusted erm budget which comes to the end result figure that we 're aiming for for this year .
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